The debate thread seems to get people self-important and have to prove themselves. It's basically a huge game of "Getting the last word" on the subject. I expected it to be more of a question and discuss, not "Im right and this is why...". I, personally (meaning IDK if anyone else does too) would rather learn something about the subject. 2000+ posts of getting nowhere (Not to offend anyone specifically/personally. I'm guilty of getting into these thread battles).
Spoiler What's with the debate on YOUR FACE! (ooh snap). What did you expect, for one side to redact their viewpoints? An understandable and objective universal truth? The point of the thread is to expose holes in the other side's viewpoint, but it becomes harder and harder as each side becomes ingrained in their prejudices. The more pressure you put on someone to answer something they can't explain the more they try to change the subject. The theists can't be convinced with science because they have faith and the non-theists can't be convinced with faith because they have science. It's more about the art of the debate than the debate itself. The debate only fails when people refuse to answer questions, or answer in a convoluted way to hide the fact they don't know what they're talking about, or attack the people themselves instead of attacking the arguments they have raised.
It's a discussion of ideas (well, should be), but some people take it personally. Also, you have to try and see if an idea brought up is "right" (rather, plausible); otherwise there is no discussion and it turns into a "tell us what your beliefs are so we can look at them and not discuss" thread.
As I was told, the thread will never get a right answer (although it should/Jesus PWNZ). They told me that It's fun Debating and bringing up evidence and using it against other people. They're basically doing it for fun. They're never going to get a "correct" answer.
It's very difficult to persuade someone through an internet forum. Persuasion is seen by some people as an art. You can't simply tell someone what is "right" and hope they just give in, the person who is trying to persuade you is also important. Anyway, I'm also guilty of trying to "get the last word in" as abandofmilk originally stated, but it's so hard not to ><
The only way you will ever find what's right, is through faith. And since science does not go about on faith, God does exist. Since neither of the sides can prove how we exist, faith is the one thing religion has that science doesn't. However, many will fail to understand what I mean. So they will refuse to end the discussion like that.
What if you find faith through something like Buddhism which says there is no god? Can't you have faith without god and spirituality without god? The Dali Llama has done a pretty good job.
Good point. But I'm absolutely sure if you studied each and every religion, you would find the one that is correct. Because somewhere along the lines, there is a point where the religion contradicts itself.
Doesn't matter. It still conforms to your general principle that god can only be found through faith (assumed religious or spiritual faith) and if that's the case then why have I not found anything and why should I assume that your experiences on the subject are more valid than mine? Perhaps it is I who has found something and you have yet to disband your belief in god to discover what the truth is.