Jumper: Sandbox

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Xang, May 10, 2009.

  1. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Jumper: Sandbox

    Hello, this is my first jumping/puzzle map that i have ever made so feel free to be mean. This is a jumping map on Sandbox as you can see. It fills up basically the entire skybubble, meaning that it is very, very big... It took about 5-6 hours to make the map, and about 1 hours to finish the map without forge mode. This map includes many forms of jumping, but mostly crouch jumping. I tried to get some friends to test it, but unfortunately... They went crazy... Anyways...

    On to the screenshots.

    This is a basic overview of the map. Due to the size of the map though i was not able to fit it all in the screenshot...
    here is the starting point of the map. The reciever node in the corner is where the finish will lead you. Because the map is so big, I put checkpoints thoughout the map. The checkpoint teleporters on in the block huge, but it is merged into it so that you cant see it.
    Im not going to explain every single jump in the map, but i will show you the one i really like. This one is the slide jump which is close to the end. If you look ahead the slide jump you may be able to see where the checkpoint is...
    Another part i like is the second last part. The scaffholding is under the death line, meaning you will have to jump on te very tips of it.
    Here is the final part... You will have to jump all the way across on these metal poles. It looks quite easy but trust me... You can slip on them...
    And at last... The finish... Leading you to a tin cup, and a 7-Wood that you can show off to other people in the game since there is only one. There is also the teleporter which leads you back to the beggining.
    And here is a fail.

    And thats all for the map, and if you dont understand some parts and would like some help. My gamertag is Silver245, and I`ll be happy to help.

    Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Xang, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2009
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Wow, this is impossible! I tried it with my friends, we played for about 2 hours, and only one of us could even get past the part where the wedges are (near the stair like area). Anyway, nice map, though very challenging. I'm still somewhat confused about how the checkpoints work and where they are, but I'm sure we'll figure that out!
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Thanks... And yes, i know its very hard.. lol. And if you are confused about the check points its simple. If you ever get to a part where there is a reciever with fusion coils covering it, then that is a checkpoint. Move the fusion coils to unlock it, then at the starting point there is a teleporter which will lead you to that spot.
  4. toga

    toga Ancient
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    I have downloaded and played it's much harder than Evolver. if u said u would get recon for completing it it would get 1,000,000 downloads and go on bungie favs lol! Great map Put a lot of though into it good job
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Thanks fo the comment... Actually i just recently got into jumping maps, and its all because of the guy that made Evolver. Ive played all of his maps so i decided to make one...
  6. ODST Leon

    ODST Leon Ancient
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    This map makes me cry because i can't win.... :(
    but i will keep trying! good work! keep it up!
  7. D R A N C Y

    D R A N C Y Ancient
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    Wow this was actually really hard i made it to the end twice but couldn't jump past the metal rod things sticking out of the wall, that part was hard. Great job on the map
  8. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    lol, im glad that some people got to the end. I know that the final part is quite hard lol. Just remember that the top metal rods are nothing. Just ignore then because i ment to merge over them but forgot to and i didnt think it was a big deal.
  9. drewdinie

    drewdinie Ancient
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    REALLY REALLY HARD I LOVE IT! nice job man
  10. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Thats what she said.

    Oh i'm sorry I'll probably get an infraction for that ):

    Anyways, this was really hard! I couldn't get to the end, one of my friends who is the pro at jumping did though. I kept getting stuck on the poles. I dunno what it is about those, but if it wasn't for this being a game, i'd accuse you of putting grease on them!
  11. icky2049

    icky2049 Ancient
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    i love this map but there need to be more check points there super far away or at least thats what me and my friends say
  12. Xtr4M1nty

    Xtr4M1nty Ancient
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    YAY!!! I get to show off my wack jumping abilities off!!!if anyone can make a good jumping map its you go Silver !!!

    Great Series 5/5
  13. Flee4me

    Flee4me Ancient
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    Hey =)

    I played your map and...

    Difficulty: NOT HARD AT ALL

    Frustration Level: ITZ OVAH 9000!!!!
    (the frustration scale normally just goes from 1-10 so... really frustrating)

    the jumps were (besides the 2 last ones) easypeasy... but the fact of jumping a quarter of a second too early causing you to bump off the edge of a block that functions merely as a link from one jump to another...
    it drives you nuts xD

    anyways, my internet was bugging me and I couldn't succesfully download the gametype so I just did it on a "normal" gametype.
    I picked out regular team slayer, turned off suicide penalty and lowered the respawn time.
    so 100% grav and speed / no nades? I hope that's what you're gametype has too ^^

    props for making this nice map =)
    some more teleports would be nice but still... 9.5/10

    Senior Member

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    awesome job. Im not a fan of maps like these until recently ill dl and try but it looks pretty slick. And the poles if u think they are harder then they look. Well to me they look pretty dang hard. lol. 9/10
  15. Falconspire

    Falconspire Forerunner

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    Holy crap! I didnt finish because I couldnt for 1 and 2 cause I thought it would never end!!!! 10/10

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