Facebook vs MySpace vs Twitter. I have all three, but I'd like to here all your comments on the three Social Networking services. Or if there are any other services that you use, review them too. I'll sign up and edit a fancy review in this right here post. My Opinion. MYSPACE It's great, but the ammount of bloody people saying 'PC FOR PC *****' annoys the living crap out of me. Plus all the myspace whores, all girls, (No offence to the females of the Hub) put on 30 tons of makeup, just to take one picture, and edit it, saying they used Photoshop, despite the face we ALL know they used Photobuckets editer. FACEBOOK The service I use the most. It's nice and simple to use, but just like in MySpace, there are several downs. Such as the something like 40 million quizzes out there saying 'Are you from mars?'. They need to hump a dishwasher. TWITTER I hear that lots of people use this, but I personally dont use it a whole lot. I only use it to follow Hamish & Andy. Only the Aussies, or International podcasters would know them. LOLWUT.
I use forgehub. I find social networking sites to social for me. I don't like them. Dunno why really, just cause.
i think twitter is just.. different than the others.. its more basic, and what you said alienman its just the what are you doing thing. and to redearth, you do have a point.. theres some people that you know well enough to say hi to, but you don't really need to get to know them any better.. and facebook encourages that
Personally I believe Twitter is one of the most idiotic ideas ever. It may be good to follow some projects or events but following what people do everyday is just ridiculous. Facebook and Myspace are on par, but I think MySpace is more advanced and gives more features so Myspace FTW.
Twitter. Basic. Easier to manage. Haven't updated my Myspace for several years. Got tired of all the idiots sending friend requests. Facebook is the same as Myspace except you get too many invites to do the stupid games and quizzes you can do for free else where. All I ever used in Facebook was the "Twitter" part anyway. There's none of that on Twitter. It's nice. Less annoying.
Facebook would be perfect if it only had the profile playlist. It sucks though, 1/2 of my friends are on Myspace, and then the other 1/2 are on Facebook.
I like myspace. Its fun to do your profile and stuff. Plus alot of the hot chicks are on their,and most of my friends, lol
Myspace has whores. Facebook and Twitter has the News. Chrst can vouch my hatred for Myspace. My friends can vouch my hatred for Twitter.
eew that pic made me sick, i just ate alot of Hot Tamales. I dont add myspace whores, Facebook and Twitter seem to formal and boring.
I lol'd. I can vouch my hatred for TWITter because of... "I'm eating dinner!" "I'm finishing my dinner!" "I'm jacking off!" ...From all the Twitwhores. and MySpace has CAMwhor- girls. But of course they all love RightSideTheory.
I deleted my myspace. Twitter and Facebook can at least claim to be somewhat aesthetically pleasing, but myspace is cluttered and dark. It's so bad that I only use the two former services. Myspace also is annoying when I forget to turn my volume down and some horrible song blasts in my face because some jackass put it on his profile. As for facebook, I find myself using it less and less due to the 3+ notifications from some crappy application. Twitter is cool, but I just follow sports personalities (Bill Simmons, PTI Show, Shaq) and political figures like Obama. If all of my friends used it and updated it often, I would hardly check facebook. In the end, I think Twitter wins, because there are no annoying notifications and the site is clean and pleasing to the eye.
I use MySpace because most people I know use it. I ignore whores, little kids, and stupid ****. I use Facebook because it's cool and has a lot of people I know also, but not like MySpace. I don't use twitter.
Spose its just what your friends are all using, so in my case Facebook is what I use. Only just got into it too. Also its coming to Xbox and I wanna take advantage of the new features