ive made Minas Tirith out of lord of the rings as a map for halo 3 it took quite long look at it if u want Map Link Gamtype -Slayer This is a recreation of The fictional castle from lord of the rings, Minas Tirith, there is three walls of the castle the first wall is the biggest with machine gun turrets on it, the second wall can be accessed from the first wall and from there u can go down to the bottom of the castle, to reach a tunnel tat leads to the armory, exit the tunnel and u will reach stairs tat lead up to the trebuchets and then the third and final wall. The objective for the attackers is to breach the castles first wall and take over the castle.
Embed the screenshots please. Do so otherwise I'll wait until you do so that I may dl. Your Post Ranking: I'm beginning to see the light in this...
Hey, this looks a lot like the Helm's Deep map! I see you changed some stuff from the original. It still looks very similar but i like the changes you made. I particularly the "cannons" on the defensive side! Great job!
Minas Teirith had 7 levels not a wimpy 3 like your map... THIS IS NOT MINAS TEIRITH from the best book EVA!!! LORD OF THE RINGS!!! /sarcasm cool idea
From the screens I can see some areas that could've been interlocked and some crooked stuff like a fence wall.
Yeah but this was made in simpler times when interlocking had not yet been discovered (to my knowledge)