I really hate the assault rifle haha, probably my worst weapon I mean I'm better with a magnum than I am with an assault rifle. So I try to use a BR more.
I use my BR instinctively. Once in a while when I see someone on my radar, I will use my AR for the easy kill.
What weapon i use most? Most likely a BR, followed by the sniper, i just really hate AR's. It doesnt take any skill to use AR just randomly shooting.
According to my stats on Bungie.net, BR. Probably because I only play Big Team and Squad Battles nowadays, but other than BR, AR and melee, the Shotgun is my most used weapon.
There are situations where an assault rifle can work a little better than a BR, but anytime there is a battle rifle available I will definetely ditch the AR for the battle rifle. I usually perform better with a BR than with an at end of story.
idk what i use most...probobly a br ar or sniper but ill make due with wut i got. As for the ar br battle. Br better at medium range. Charge with an AR. keep both handy.
It really depends on the situation. I think I use them both about the same. Other than melee, AR, and BR, my most used weapon is the shotgun and sniper. (According to Bnet stats at least) Anyways, I think what weapon should be used depends on the situation.
Quote FTW. I use AR more, but that's because I never get a gametype with default BR's. I voted BR though because when I can I'd rather use that.
I use BR simply because everyone else does, if the BR wasnt in the game i'd definitely use alot wider range of weapons.
I find myself using my magnum mostly, i am okay with my AR, and okay with the BR, I just can't aim for the head, i always miss. But for some reason i find my self in Close range, pistol in hand, and it is just natural for me to melee and then finish them off with a headshot before they know what happened