What exactly should I do? I've been making maps since before heroic, and I use all the techniques. I'm not a map making newb, but should I have people test my maps first? Or should I post them in the other place. I've run many tests myself with friends and such, but I'm afraid people may not take me seriously due to my lack of posts. I've been uh..maybe self conscious of my maps, along with frustrated over the lack of intrest in customs on GameFaqs. I appreciate your help.
Interlock. Then, when you are done, get out your pixel ruler and check all angles to make sure everything is perfectly straight and proper and in perfect pixel alignment. Otherwise, you'll get feedback asking you to; interlock, interlock more, straighten walls, align shadows, etc. I'd prefer to mention just to build a map you are happy with and test it with friends and post it, but if you simply did that... see above feedback. Unfortunately, if it ain't interlocked and straighter than me in a crowd of homosexuals, people will pass it by.
It doesn't have to be interlocked, since it would be your first one posted. As long as you have a good post people will give advice and such. But interlocking helps greatly in getting people to look at and DL your map. You should post it in the testing section to be sure because I have known things that worked on local that didn't work on live(might have just been my connection or something though) Also read the map posting rules here before posting your map in the real maps section. People will just disregard your map as trash, even if it could be the next feature worthy map, if it isn't posted well.
If you embed your pics and post a link to the b.net thread and not fileshare then it'll be fine don't worry. Judging from your posts so far I think your maps will be good. It seems lack of forge skill and lack of common sense and grammatical accuracy are mutually related. LOL Wow that has got to be sigged.
Ok thanks guys, I've just been crackfilling and tiding up a map that plays well for snipers and small team based slayer. I think I'll be posting it soon. Thanks for the support!