lemme get this straight

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Supa Midget, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Ok im sure youv all played it at this stage and well.....does anyone ike it as a "fun" gametype?
    I personelly do not.
    1.I am not an expert on spawns but on for example the pit or construct i always ALWAYS spawn straight in the dominating teams line of fire.
    I dont know if this is "tactical" or just plumb luck but its really annoying that 2/3 of the time ill die if i dont activate GOD mode :S
    2.Spawns seem WAY too long.I get your trying to make deaths sting a little but come on.a ten second respawn on say onslaught so you can watch them get right to their flag spot? before you can spawn?And even if you do youll never catch up with them.
    3.With the dawn of MLG i have also noticed the  what i have dubbed flag cycling.Basically you keep dropping the flag throwing it a bit ahead of you then picking it up again.This in effect makes the flag carrier just as fast as a normal flayer.Maybe bungie could make the speed drop an effect that stays for a few seconds to fix this?
    4.Onslaught or MLG Ons v4 as it is named just plain out sucks in my opinion.
    Some how they managed to place all that stuff and still have little or no cover you can actually use.
    5.Objective items no longer (as far i know) one hit melee.This is the only advantage a carrier had and since you have no shot at beating a guy with a gun,ie cant use the "cover" to get to the placement,it only serves to encourage flag cycling.If i hear FLAG DROPPED,FLAG STOLEN,FLAG DROPPED,FLAG STOLEN over and over again i think i might just start betraying :S
    6.On top of all this,and this problem is excessively prominent in the small map onslaught....THEY GIVE YOU A BR.
    Now i like Br's,we all love headshots,seriously they're awesome...BUT from a br with spawn you would assume this gametype is about aiming ie skill....right?(Okay i phrased this one badly,the Br's have nothing to do with this)
    On onslaught for instance the whole map basically explodes constantly with frags.
    On the pit the rocket launcher dominates as br weilding teams stick together in order to not be assasinated.
    Admitedly this IS a bit of a rant but come on....i mean i found hardcore better than this and hardcore was pretty bad.
  2. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Haven't played onslaught but that "Flag cycling" has been that was since Halo 2 and its even there in other game types and hoppers so get used to if the Flag dropped thing gives you a head ache turn down your volume.

    secondly BR spawns are the way the pro players have done it that way since Halo 2 its fair and balanced think about they give you a BR they give your enemy a BR.

    If your getting assassinated use team work call out the enemy positions so you don't get assassinated up on its what a team is there for.

    Also if you don't like getting paired up with mic-less people get some friends to play with basing a hopper on the people who play in it is just retarded if you don't want to talk to people mute them.
  3. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Ok i can get the whole flag thing being rampant,i simply havent noticed it until now,ok thats a coincidence fair enough.

    My idea on the Br spawn is not that its bad but that its misleading.
    I added the Br to give the post a bit more substance,my real problem was with the grenades.
    In MLG people are easier to kill because damage is up and shield recharge is down,only by a little bit but it substantially adds to the body count in a game.
    Everyone spawns with 2 grenades.
    Thanks to spawns in "firing lines" such as in the center on onslaught between the two bases or the spot in fornt of the sniper towers in the pit (one will always kill the other as there isnt enough time for either to get to cover.
    Due to this smaller maps such as guardian construct and others are soon swamped with grenades.
    My point on the Br's is i find i dont have a chance to use mine as quarters can get very close so that grenades and beat downs are the main weapons.

    I never emntioned that i was getting assasinated,i was saying weapons like the rocket launcher can dominate because teams stick together to AVOID being snuck up on.Making them fodder for explosives.

    And my judgement on the population was from experience with hardcore,getting nothing but elitest jerks 6 days in a row at completely different times.
    In my MLG's so far ive been lucky to get a person with a mic and have yet to see someone using it for anything other that complaining about how much their team sucks.I dont think i should have to get a team whenever i want to play a game as if thats the case then a matchmaking system is redundent in the first place.

    I just think having more grenades on the map but not having people spawn with them would create a bit more control over the map,leading to a bit more skill with aiming and that a 10 second respawn is enough to "cycle" back to your base on small maps with the flag.
    I may be out of line here or have just had really bad luck in terms of matched players but thats kind of why i posted this?
    Am i just going to keep getting stuck with these guys or am i just having a really bad day?
    What are other peoples thoughts?How well does MLG work for you?
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    It isn't supposed to be fun. Its supposed to be competitive. Fun is just an extra.
    They are the same spawns as default pit/construct...
    Well, they're just better than you if you're getting beaten all the time.
    Long spawns encourage you not to die. And I'm sure this 'tactic' has some strategy to it.
    Fix what? Nothing is broken, its a simple strategy thats been around since Halo 2.
    It may be annoying, but if you don't like it then why are you playing it? And the fact that it is no longer 1-hit kill means it isn't a power weapon, making the player prefer to use his weapon. Just camping the bubble shield with the flag or ball is annoying. More strategy.
    Well, onslaught is a very bad map, I agree, but it can't be perfect, no. Seems just like you're complaining about the fact the they grab the rockets or are sneaky enough to assassinate you but you aren't. And frags are just a part of the game. You have them too, so why not throw them?
    #4 Orangeremi, Apr 1, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  5. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    u dont understandhow to play mlg. and the way 2 play ons is to take control of the top with some teamates so if ur shooting at someone on one side, ur teamate gets another one so u dont get double-teamed. and if u dont no how 2 place grenades, then i say stay out of mlg, b/c u obviously dont belong in it.
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Its in a game,as a "community" playlist and its not meant to be fun?

    Why are you assuming i can't throw grenades?I'm saying there end up being too many everywhere so people get blitzed by 4 or 5 grenades everyitme they take cover.The whole area explodes its not like they all aimed right at you.

    Also i hadn't encountered the flag thing until recently,so i didnt know it's been around a while.
    But it seems to me it shouldnt be possible otherwise whats the point of setting a speed for the flag carrier at all if he can just do that and lose almost no speed at all?
    Why not have the flag carrier actually move at the speed hes supposed to?

    Forget my comment on being spawn killed,that might just be a coincidence for me.
    And despite the way i may be coming across i do actually like the idea of the gametype,where your weaker without being like a run and gun like swat.
  7. ak1knight

    ak1knight Ancient
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    give it some time, after all the "pros" are higher ranks you get spawn killed, double teamed, etc. all the time, then it will be funner. My first game of the play list we went against 4 generals so I kinda know how it feels.
  8. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Ouch,ive only had the misfortune of fightng one.Plenty of brigadiers tho.
    Sound advice to wait for the pro's to rank up tho
  9. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I disagree with must everything you say. The spawns are default except Onslaught (which I will agree isn't very good for TS because of the chaos but is very good for CTF).

    I don't know how it isn't fun unless you are getting torn apart in it because it is so balanced and tactical. You might disagree, but I love Team BR'ing for a rewarding kill.

    MLG uses 110% speed to reward good strafers and steady aim, while it isn't too fast that it takes away from the game. The 110% damage is used to reward the use of 'nades because they along with sniping and strategy are what separate a great player from a good player,and they go hand in hand with strategy. It also makes the rockets more powerful from the splash, which encourages map control (another strategy). The use of rockets, maulers, and OS (especially with the 110 damage and 3X multiplier) don't really take too much skill, but they have the same power as the higher ground. The Plasma Pistol is included as a counter OS weapon, and it takes a lot of skill to see someone, charge it right there, aim (without tracker like H2), shoot, and finish it off. The Sniper, BR, and 'Nades are included because they are the most skillful aspects of Halo IMO (I think the MLG community would back me on that). Sorry for the MLG rant.

    The Objective items melee thing is to reward teamwork. When you have someone that is exposed with an oddball, your team has to protect you, but any nobody can throw down a bubble shield (not in MLG because it promotes camping) then wait till the opponent walks in and beat down with the oddball for a kill. The equipment all fail for their own reasons: Bubble Shields and deployable cover promote camping, regenerator and power drain are too powerful (it is almost impossible to kill someone in regen without headshot or rocket and power drain with a nade picks up multi kills too easily), radar jammer isn't needed because there is no radar, trip mine isn't used in small maps (all MLG has), and flares aren't used in MM for a reason. I keep getting away from your concerns.

    Flag dropping and picking up goes on in MM, so it isn't going to be different for MLG.

    If you don't want to play competitively against Brigadiers and Generals then this isn't the playlist for you. You can say that the competition will level out, but the pros are already 40's and what not. You might see more people around your skill level, but you will still see Brigs even at low levels. The playlist is competition stepped up. Average MM 45's-50's won't make it into the 30's (including me even though I like MLG). MLG players will make up the 30-45 range, and semi pros will be 45-50. All the pro's will be 50's, and if you can make it to that elite 45-50 range in MLG playlist, it actually says something about your skill. Normal MM doesn't show much of skill, but the MLG playlist is going to be a great way for up and coming players to make a name (getting in 50 in it will be something to boast).

    I don't understand how you can think HC was better than this. HC was made for MLG but was a failed attempt. Both have the same gameplay but MLG has more balanced gameplay (I'm pretty sure they had needlers on HC) and better maps/gametypes for them.

    The only difference from MLG playlist to customs is in the playlist you will see a lot of illegal stuff like Elites and blacklisted hiding spots on map (ie. taking ball up on S2 on the ledge).

    This playlist is going to get even better when the new maps come (Blackout and maybe Ghost Town). Also, the majority of the players that are going to be playing Halo in the long haul are competitive ones, so Bungie is going to start catering maps more towards them (remakes like Midship and new ones).

    That was a very long post for my first one on this new site.

    Edit: Got carried away and forgot one thing. The reason they have the 110 damage is also to reward long range BR'ing. The reason for that is 100 damage it takes 12 bullets which equals 4 shots all bullets hitting. Now, you only have to have 11 make contact. This allows for 4 shottin' to become easier at long distances because even if the BR spread makes a bullet that should connect miss, you still get the kill. While it allows for easier 4 shots from long range, you still can't kill with anything less than 3 shots. It also becomes 2 BR shots and a melee instead of 3 and melee, which encourages close range.
    #9 XxTexasHornxX, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  10. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Well said, Texas.
  11. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Thank you. I pretty much summed up everything there is to know about MLG :p.
  12. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Yes, you basically did sum up MLG.. I see that you learnt a lot from that article on Your post followed it pretty closely in fact.

    For those of you who wish to learn more about the MLG playlist check out the article here.
  13. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    You are right. I had just read that to see if they kept it the same as customs, so it was fresh on my head. I had already known that because I have been playing MLG for quite some time now. I love this new playlist. I expected my KD to drop closer to 1 after playing this playlist considering the competition, but my KD has gone up because most of the matchmaking Generals and Brigadiers don't know how to use strats and I can out BR them without the other variables (ie. Stupid Equipment, Explosives, etc.). I have never had so much fun playing than I have the two days I have played it even though I am only a 15. I don't even care to win because it is so much fun, but it makes it even sweeter when you go positive KD and have a last second victory over some cocky generals. Two friends and I took on 4 generals that played together and were down 44-36 because our other teammate was -14. I went on a frenzy for us to win 50-45, and it was so rewarding.

    The only changes I want are in some of the gametypes. I want Blackout Ball (assuming it is the same as Lockout) to replace Guardian ball. Guardian Hill to replace Construct hill. I want Blackout slayer (assuming it is the same as Lockout) to replace Onslaught slayer. Also, if Ghost Town is MLG worthy, it could/should replace Narrows in slayer. The playlist is only going to get better as they release new small maps (Midship please).

    Onslaught is a great CTF map and all, but the map could be replaced by another Foundry map. It's Forging was revolutionary for MLG at the time, but there are other competitive maps that could replace it. I would love to see someone here or on MLG make a Foundry map to replace it that could work for multiple gametypes (preferable CTF and Slayer). MLG is the only reason I am still playing Halo MM.
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Okay awhile ago(after my original posts) i got into a proper team in MLG as opposed to a matchmade one.

    I admit it was ALOT better then.Altho i still say this idea of strategy nades is utter crock,i either get killed completely by three or four nades or the other guy doesnt have any and 9/10 i win the br fight.
    The rockets i think were not the best idea for the pit power weapon as i once managed to kill their whole defending team with two rockets and capture the flag before they couldd respawn.
    That one clip got a a capture on its own no aiming or skill required on my part.
    Anyway,i think ill leave this topic at that.
    Ill wait for the new maps and see if MLG grows on me
    but there is definately no way im going in without 3 friends,matchmade teams dont work for crap in that playlist
  15. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I disagree. 'Nades are a very skillful and tactical weapon/equipment, but if you are getting killed with 'nades head to head (as in he is throwing a 'nade and shooting you while you are shooting him), the something needs to be changed about your BR'ing. 'Nades can be used in a situation where he is in the next room over, but they are completely useless with someone in site (with decent BR skill involved). The rockets aren't the most skillful weapon, but like the mauler, they give another element to map control. In the hands of a player, they can muster a few kills to give you a game changing momentum, but they can be taken down very easily. If one rocket is missed when they are attacking someone that sees them, they are normally dead, unless a teammate aids them. They will be out BR'ed before they fire another shot. If they do manage to get a kill, the first person will have put enough shots into him that he will be cleaned up very easily (assuming the players are skillful with BR and use solid callouts).

    I will agree that it is very difficult to win a game with randoms in MLG, especially objective. That is why you go in with friends, or you find a group that uses solid callouts and party up. I can win most slayer games with micless randoms if we are clearly better than the opponent, but if we play a team that is worse than us in objective but plays together and uses strats, we will most likely lose because it is so strategic. I got with a team of randoms that played well together and communicated well, and we beat teams of generals over and over. We were all 45's and some of the teams consisting of generals we were better/just as good as, but most of the time, they were slightly more skilled. But, we played Guardian ball 3 times and had a perfect setup that won the game each time with ease. It is rather annoying playing with a team that doesn't talk at all, but this playlist is so much better than any other IMO. If it weren't for this playlist, I probably wouldn't be playing this game anymore.
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I find this playlist so much more fun, exiting, and fair than standard halo. I go back sometimes and its really gay getting killer by warthogs and a sniper in a regenerator or a sword camper, mlg just works so much better, I can't believe how much more tactical the game is without radar.
  17. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I agree 100%. I had never realized my Halo potential until I played this playlist. I had struggled/not tried to get past 45 because of the above reasons and AR start. But now that the MLG playlist is here, my KD has gone up slightly, and I get around +8 a game against the steep MLG competition (granted I'm only a 15 now but you always play a couple generals and brigs). I love how the radar demotes camping, and the fast gameplay due to the slightly faster speed and slower regen.

    I don't even care about my level or stats anymore because this playlist is so much fun.
  18. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Theres nothing really wrong with the map Onslaught. It emphasizes a lot of map control and good strategy. I think it basically sums up to, you're just not playing the right type of strategy.
  19. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    It works, but it could definitely be better (what map can't). I love the fast pace of it, but in Slayer, the best team doesn't always win. You get in this spawn pattern where you spawn down below, die due to the lack of cover, and repeat. Then, one team will finally break that, and do it to the other team. No matter what sort of strats my team devises we fall into this pattern. Even against bad teams, we will lose occasionally to a random 4 that are worse than us and don't play together because we will spawn and get team BR'ed by them. Even with our superior skills, you can't out BR 2 or 3 players at a time, which is what happens on the map.

    I am helping them set up the map so the base is two stories high, so you can spawn in the cover under the base and move from the two parts of the base to the other. Also, we are working on making top mid larger and are most likely moving mauler to bottom mid. The map should work really well.
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    As you probably already have seen, MLG recently announced what you were just saying:


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