I have a brand new map that I just made called Rat Racer! [size=10pt][size=10pt]DOWNLOAD this MAP[/size][/size] The idea of Rat Racer was to create a map that was not only fun to race but had challenge and also a ground idea as well. The premis of the map is you have either 4 Ghosts or 4 Mongooses on at either time, and battle it out against the many ramps, fusion coils and different assortment of wepons and items around the track, not only is it the enviroment that you have to worry about, but the other people who are shooting at you as well; as dotted around the track are bridges and platforms where rocket baring manic's are shooting to you like life depended on it. So not only fun to race, but once you die the idea is to stop the other races as well. I suppose you have to have a gentalmans agreement to not beat the living crap out of each other, so maybe some trust worthy friends this would work with, or if you just have 4 players at the time, just a quick race. I have play tested with a few mates who pritty much trashed the place while I was building it, but all I need now is the forge peoples opinion. Below are the photos and the link to the map. Due to Flickr Guidelines I have to post the links back to the photo pages. http://flickr.transisco.co.uk
I thought that becuase with the space I had, the mongoose would be a bit too small. So using the long strait narrows of the track, was the reason for that. Also I will try and get a game type up soon, some sort of VIP thing, and there are mongooses on the track gear up too if you want to race with them.
dude i forgot to download it when i said i would and now bungie is down. i will download this map ASAP srry i forgot