You're the only geek in your grade... Who else goes to a school where you're the only geeky geek. Geek doesn't include wannabe's or people that hang out with geeks but aren't geeks. And to everyone asking we're a school of 600 with 60 people in our grade, but there is like a complete split between kids with somewhat of a brain to genius and no brain whatsover to needs help. It's like 50/50 so more like 300 and 30 people I actually see every day.
The thread title from the forum view reads: "Worst part about small..." Anyway it doesn't even matter. I go to a very large college (like >1500 students), but even then I feel like the only geek. I know I'm not though, there's a guy I've seen walking around with a UNSC Halo bag.
i used to go to a small school (like 80 people) it was awesome cuz we dident do any thing the only problem was it was all guys
my class has like 350 people in it, total of about 1500 in the entire high school. so theres lots of every social group or whatever you wanna say.
Small schools means that everyone's my friend. Except for that overly obnoxious bisexual fat guy that wanted to be homecoming queen. But yeah, basically. Well sure, you've got your regular cliques here and there. There's your sports jocks, and there's the cheerleader girls who hang out with pretty much everyone (note to Nor's quote), then there's your band/orchestra geeks, then there's the anime/manga/video game geeks (lumped all together pretty much since they all hang out together), then there's the smart people who are kinda snobbish about their smartness and get all irritated when they get partnered up with the 'lessers', and then there's the artsy fartsy peeps. But yeah, we basically all love each other.
I have to agree with all the reasons small schools are great, and I love them. I just have the small problems of since there are so few kids there is less of a chance of there being another geek in our school, especially since everyone that seems to move here seems to be a jock. Not to mention it's annoying there are only five kids in our school that are smart enough for a real honor's class, including me, so we only have honor's classes that are strictly for kids that do all of their homework. I don't learn anything. It sucks.
It is so difficult to be a nerd. If you play sports and hang out often with everybody word gets around that your a cool dude, as long as your not an obnoxious ****. I mean, i'm a ****ing nerd, I do all this **** and **** on computers and **** and i'm always spending money on my xbox and people still like me.
Damn he does, he's been at my school too ¬_¬ My school has approximately 1400-1500 students and the way our years pan out, it's pretty good. It's similar to what Nemi said really, but I think that's just schools in general for you. Over the years you tend to talk to more an more people and you get a large group of friends - no matter what 'social group' they hang put in. So, I don't know, I personally didn't like primary school as much - so it could have been down to the fact of it being smaller. Or people may just be more mature. I think school is alright now ;D
As long as you dress normally and come off as a relatively fun guy with something to offer than it's very difficult to be called a ****** or some ****.
The school i go to has 500 kids is my class (senior) but the grades below keep getting larger, the incoming freshman have about 625. I like it, but then again i'm not a geek. I mostly hang out with kids from all ages, so even if your tired of kids in your whole grade, you can go to some junior parties and be someone completely different. I guess it would be kind of hard in a small school tho.
No it's actually much easier. If your school is relatively small, it doesn't matter age anyway. Everyone just hangs out with everyone.
Yes, but lets say you a geek and people dislike hanging out with you as much, since its a small school, the word will spread faster. But it works the other way around also, if your a cool kid and social, word will also travel quickly.
Well you could just stop being a "geek" -dont wear shirts displaying anime/manga or **** like that -dont carry a side bag -be social follow those few guidelines and people might like you. Or maybe you are normal but you dont talk to anyone. I have a big school and there's plenty of wierdo/freak/geek people you could just come here.
My old school, which was a christian private school, had just over 100 hundred students ranging from kindergarten to high school. My fifth grade class had 6 people and my sixth grade class had 5. I was sick of it, then I met Mr. Public school
I go to a magnet school for math and science so being a nerd isn't as big of a deal as it would be in other schools, but you still have to act "normal" to be accepted. There are a few kids in my school who I look at and quietly snicker to my self. My school is fairly large with about 250 kids per grade, 1000 for the whole school. I just finished my freshman year, and looking back in the yearbook, there's a few kids from my grade that I had never seen before.