JLG? What YOU Think

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xang, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys, just a little something I have been thinking aobut for a while. As some of you people know, HLG (Hidden League Gaming) Is starting to get less popular due to the fact that some hiding spots have been fixed in Halo 3. Im sure that some of you people out there have also realized that some HLG people have moved on to JLG created by Clearlyme of JLGKings. If anyone does not know, JLG stands for Jumping League Gaming. I for one was never i fan of HLG (Yes i was a hater of HLG) But i was into jumping. Now that Clearlyme has created JLG, i have gotten WAY more into jumping and i think it can be an experience that many people can have fun with. Anways, i just made this forum so that people can discuss about what THEY think about JLG and HLG matters. Please feel free to talk about issues of why you dont like JLG, why you like JLG, why you think HLG is better and anyother issues of jumping kind. Also, i found a pretty cool video made by Clearlyme which has him asking to make JLG clans and spread the word. YouTube - JLG! Spread the word! Make your own clan! Now start discussing! :D
    #1 Xang, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  2. Trix

    Trix Ancient
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    dont like it you dont need a brain washing clan to make you jump, do it for fun with your friends you dont need a special clan to do so.
  3. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    I'm not sure how JLG could catch on.... is it like jumping maps or is it just people who can do cool jumps on the matchmaking playlists that work to their advantage or what? I'm highly confused at how Jumping works into the clan.
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Add me we'll jump sometime. I'm in BacKToBasiKs.

    GT: BlazeIsGodly

    I think JLG is sorta stupid, but very much respect the fact that it is to get people more involved in jumping. Also, ClerarlyMe hmmm... He's a doucher.
    #4 Blaze, Jun 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    JLG... To me is basically trick jumps and other jumps which you can make into a fun activity. I mean... I love making jump maps and i dont know why, i realize that jumping is something you wont really be using in matchmaking all the time due to the fact that you cant do half of them in matchmaking, but its just something about finding new jumps that nobody has ever done before that just makes it feel cool. Also... People im geussing make a clan of jumpers just to get it well known... I mean, if you just jump and jump and keep it to yourself, it will never catch on but if you were to make a clan of some type... Maybe... Just maybe, it will catch on. You know what i mean?
    #5 Xang, Jun 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  6. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Trick Jumping and HLG are basically the same thing, but Trick Jumping has been around A LOT earlier before JLG. Many people from HLG are going to go to JLG because it looks cooler and it feels like home for them. The problem is that the bad HLG people will be cheap and use radar jammer jumps and many, many old jumps. And besides, Jumping LEAGUE Gaming? Thrick jumping is just a hobby, it's not like we win money and get sponsored for it.
    #6 MousseMooseROCKS, Jun 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  7. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    hmm it seems like such a strange thing to do.. make a clan that finds unique ways to clear the gap between one ledge to another. oh well, whatever suits your fancy i suppose!

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