I'm not 100 % what the ODST selected retailers that come with the 'pre order bonus' (Play as Johnson in firefight) are. I know one of them is Amazon, but that involves importing, and it's generally more effort. Does anyone know for sure what the other retailers are?
I preordered at Gamestop, and apparently I'm getting a Halo 3 Limited Edition controller, the Halo: Reach beta code, Halo 3: ODST, and of course, SGT. Johnson.
damn it you! i was trying to get the controller at my mall for a while and could've too! the day i got there i was going up and the clerk said that iw as going to get a controler if i was going to get there at 4:00. i got there and he was talking to me when a large large man comes up and says "i'd like to pre-order ODST please." ok i thought nothing bad can come from this, but alas there was. the clerk was told to give a controler to certain people (not everyone) and i was going to get into one of the spots that had a controler in it (i know the clerk, his name is Matt.) the clerk had to sell the game + the controller and i awas screwed by the fat man (whom was eating a Mc Chiken at the time....) morel of the story: sad faic - , Mav.
If anyone knows if Canada will sell... please tell me, I can't find ANY retailers yet. I might buy off ebay in the end, or maybe amazon canada will sell hopefully. I probably won't preorder until the end of july though...
Thanks @ fastforward - France: GAME, FNAC, JV&Co, Virgin, Amazon, Pixmania, Cdiscount, Rue du Commerce Germany: Amazon and Gamestop Italy: Gamestop UK: Game, Gamestation, Amazon, Play l0ckz?
For those who don't already know, I'm pretty sure the standard version, even with pre-order, won't come with the controller.
EB games and gamestop are the same company.... Gamestop bought out EB games, but they left some stores with the same name