Mosh is a KOTH map in which you start with a random weapon, jump in a pit, and unleash hell upon your fellow fighters. There are two varients for this map, Mosh FFA, for 2-8 players, or Team Mosh, for 4-16 players. Team Mosh is made for 8 teams of 2 Mosh FFA and Team Mosh both have the same settings, so here they are. Outside Hill -Invunerable -No Damage -No Sheilds -Random Weapon -Infinite Ammo -!00% Speed -100% Gravity -Force Color Black Inside Hill -200% Damage Resistance -Normal Sheilds -110% Recharge rate -90% Damage -Infinite Ammo -110% Speed -100% Gravity -Force Color Black DL -----> Mosh FFA DL -----> Team Mosh DL -----> Mosh Not much more can be said so... Pictures! Spawn side 1 [/URL] Spawn side 2 [/URL] The Pit [/URL]
A very simply map. Im guessing its completely designed for king of the hill??? Are your spawn weapons the only weapons used in this. I suggest a hammer or a sword in the middle of the map.... Somthing to fight for. That alwasy puts an interesting twist to these types of games. Also the corners could become a cool spot for some type of cover- If you do deside to put cover, make the king of the hill area smaller so the corner isnt associated with it. Ok well cool design. Its been done before. Well built. Nice interlocking. Nothing more to say... Oh srry... If you use the gametype its random weapon spawn.. Ok thats cool. That can be a fun gametype... unless a guy spawns with a sniper and camps in those spawn bunkers. Hey... put mancannons in the back of the spawn bunkers so they will be imediatly be launched into the mosh pit.
About the spawn bunkers, If you do spawn with a sniper, while your outside the Hill, you do no damage so camping would do absolutely nothing for you or your team... and about the layout, a friend of mine, Bluchicken001, was making a Mosh pit map, and I just decided to make a better one and post it
It looks pretty simple... You could have put some more time into the forging like atleast merging since its such a tiny map. I also would have made the area a bit bigger along with some decoration since it couldn't hurt. 2/5.
its been done before, but that doesnt meen that its a bad map. I for one love to play a good moshpit map with pure shotgun or sword; heck, even rockets sometimes. on another note: you don't have to merge objects to make a good map. it helps aestheticaly sometimes, and sometimes helps to make to floor better, but dont let people tell you that you HAVE to merge objects. ill give it a 3.5/5 edit: i also think that mancannons should be added, even though the hill is set with no dmg outside of the hill, because not many people will want to have a map that they can only play one gametype on.
So... for a version 2... I need aescthetic structures around the sides, and mancannons..... Is that the general concensus? If so, I will get right on that