Sandbox Telekinesis

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by PRS, Jun 21, 2009.

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  1. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Hey, nice map. I really like the theme and feel you have created in addition to the layout and aesthetics. Here are some things that I think will take your map from being great to being one of the best.

    -Some of the arches on top of doorways are off center. Not a huge thing, but will make your map perfect aesthetically

    -I think you should remove the colored columns from the roof and merge them horizontally above the door arches. This way, imo, the roof looks a tad better, the doorways "pop" more and players can tell what side they are on better.

    -The only major thing I don't like about the map is the ceiling height of the lower level of the main building. Aside from making you feel cramped, it makes jumping up to the next level a little akward and unsmooth, especially if you hurry it(it's easy to bump your head on the low ceiling when u jump). What I would do is replace the "block, huge"s with double walls. After you do that, rearranging the ramps on the lower floor doorways would keep things looking aesthetically great. Leave the "block, huge"s just outside the doorways the way they are--replacing these with double walls would mess things up. This will also make the central "plasma shaft" look nicer.

    -As far as the walways go, I think everything is fine. If you feel like messing with rails I would say rail the outside(side farther away from the center) before the inside(side closer to the center) because people are far more likely to accidentally fall off the outside.

    -If you find yourself needing just a few more objects when you make a v2 I have a few suggestions that wouldn't compromise aesthetics. On each base there are two obelisk/column structures. You can save objects by getting rid of the colored columns(not necesary because you already have the lights) and moving up the larger plain columns. You might want to use a larger object such as a wedge at the base of the normal columns to make it look nicer. You will save 4 or 8 objects if you do this. Another option that you could use is deleting a few inside rails, most likely the small wedges at the bases, if you absolutely need a few more objects.

    If I didn't explain anything well enough just say so and I will post pics showing what I mean. Once again, you've made a great map and it's the first one I'll play the next time I do customs.
    #21 Cato IV, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Wow. Nice post. Long, but truthfully, it's really what I expect. This is a wonderful summary. To the issues...

    Yes, you picked up on the arches... I still regret my laziness. I also will merge the shield doors as well.

    The colored columns on the roof are to cover holes in the roof while I made some design adjustments, but your idea seems much more sophisticated, I will love to incorporate that.

    I did think about the height of the pit (I use map terms, the pit is the bottom middle), lowering it, but again, I thought my original idea was good, and It played fine, but for the fun of it I can exhibit that.

    Railings are fine in my opinion, they might need some re-adjustments, but all and all it's fine. I also think I will take your ideas with deletion of the pillar, I haven't really realized that.

    You really have been a huge help on this, props for that, and I will make sure to commemorate you in honor in my V2 post. I honor you taking the time to help me.
  3. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    It's no problem. Yeah, I thought those columns might have been for holes, but I wasn't sure because there are still a few tiny holes there. I agree that the rails are fine. The pit is fine the way it is I guess but I personally don't like crawl spaces. Can't wait for v2
  4. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    Heeey Dylan, first off ima start with one small rant; why didn't you tell me you'd posted it, dang. :p

    Lol, and now onto the serious stuff, it's awesome, simply put, right from weapon layout to the gravlift on the roof. It plays brilliantly, it flows really well and has a number of diffent tactical jumps that can be utilised to aid the way this map runs. (Dylan, next time i'm on make sure you invite me to party so i can tell you about some of them i've found recently.)

    I see that you've gotten rid of those pesky escapeable coloured pillars that were there before-hand, so I can't get onto that prettyful roof ;).
    It looks like you may have changed the way the weapons have been set out a bit, but to be honest i can't remember where they were in the first place, so if you've moved em' then you've done an even better job.

    And finally, i'd just like to recommend this to ANYONE who wants a skybox map that has any of those things listed in either my post or Dylan's intro (Done perfectly may I add). So yeah, well done on this amazing piece of a map :)


    P.S Good luck on finishing and posting Hiatus, cause last I saw it, it looked absolutely stunning.
  5. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Thnaks Hazza, much appreciated. I'm glad oyu like the map, I've tried my hardest on it. Hiatus is done basically, a little touching up to do, and off to another psot! yes, I fixed the roof, hahaha. JLG and HLG can kiss my ass because they aren't getting upo there. And I did change around the weapons, but not too much from what you originally saw. I will liek to see the tactical jumps so that I can inform people of them. Thanks for the review.

  6. tpane

    tpane Ancient
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    I like the map, i am a big fan of symetrical maps. I really appreciate the way you set up your post, the pics with the tops removed give a much better idea of how the map flows. I will download and get back to you.

    MR JOEY BON Ancient
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    The aesthetics are great! The map looks pretty balanced, i'll DL.
  8. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    ah, it has been posted, through the 6 games i played with you, player and a bunch of other folks like scope and millar, i found that it was fun to play as well as aestheticly pleasing. You may want to try and find a better shot of the map you are remaking tho. that pic does not revail much.

    i understand you and chrstphrbrnn had a conversation about how much he liked the map, that is a good sign, and i could see this on the front page anyday. great job player.
    #28 R0FLninja, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2009
  9. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Thanks RoflNinja. I think the camera angle is fine, I don't need to change it unless mor epeople don't like. And at the end of your posy shouldn't it be player, not slayer?
  10. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    First off, I like your map. The only thing that I have to say is that you can grenade jump very easily onto the roof. And the center piece that "spins" doesn't spin, it just glitches on the floor because you have a ton of objects in that one area.
  11. kingstick07

    kingstick07 Ancient
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    The aesthetics look amazing, especially the center ceiling. The gameplay is great, and reminds me entirely of the Threshold Gas Mine in The Aribiter. Though that was a campaign level, you have captured a lot from it.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I finally got ahold of this and had a look around. the layout seems solid, but id like to address that some of the inclines are ridiculously steep, and that the bottom floor is a bit too.... short. I am not fond of areas that you cannot jump at all in. you did a great job making a beautiful map here, but those are major hindering things to your map in my opinion.
  13. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    No, you can’t grenade jump onto the roof. You haven't tried that, have you. But so what, the center glitches instead of spinning. So what. It's cool.

    Yes, ramps are steep, but I left them in the V1 for some cover reasons. A lot of the time on the map a common fight happens with one person on top with a Br and one on the bottom with a sword. The sword person gained cover from the ramp, so if the Br came too close, the sword guy could easily kill him. But, if the sword guy runs out too quick, the BR guy could take him out easily. I probably will make it less steep in the V2, since you just mentioned you disliked it.

    If you did read the post that CATO made, he said that the pit, or the bottom middle was too short too. This was my original understanding. But the wall/floor tilt thing and the new pieces kind of discouraged me to do that, and I wanted a template to build off of when I did consider the changes. I will try and feature that in the V2, and comply with your requests, Silence. Thanks for checking it out.
  14. kidd5zack

    kidd5zack Ancient
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    Holy Mother of all thing forge. This is probably the greatest map I've ever seen. This map looks insanely good, the looks of it are amazing. I'm impressed with the layout I like how you took the time to delete the floors for the pictures. Sweet story BTW. The layout is phenomenal and the gameplay is probably the most fun I've ever had. I downloaded right away. I've come to expect nothing less from you Dylan but this tops it.

    FEATURE NAO! OR FH FAVORITES! God I love this map!!!!
  15. Chicago Jagwire

    Chicago Jagwire Ancient
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    Absolutely Beautiful. The aesthetics on this map are bar none. Plays amazingly aswell. My friend and I got some 1v1 going on here and it was a blast (even though I got beat). Great work, look forward to seeing some more of your stuff.
  16. Rise Against

    Rise Against Ancient
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    Actually, you can grenade jump onto the roof. The ramp with the corner wall as railing is where you do it. The railing is slightly higher than all the others allowing a grenade jump to the roof. So don't go telling me that I haven't tried it. Should be fine if you lower it a little bit, although I wouldn't worry about it unless you wish to change something else for a V2 or something.
    #36 Rise Against, Jun 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2009
  17. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    OH, thanks for checking that out. I thought you couldn't but atleast someone can help escape. I'll be sure to lowwer the m in my V2.
  18. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I was lucky to grab some customs on this map and play a couple different gametypes on it. Although it isn't terrible Telekinesis has several fatal flaws in it that just hurt gameplay a lot. The spawns for crazy king and other KOTH variants were screwed up beyond belief. Spawning right behind / infront of people. Overall CTF didn't have much flair to it nd I could not imagine playing more than a few rounds of it. The spawning can hold up to 4 people but any more and it starts making mistakes. You have some solid aesthetics but gameplay is slacking. These are just my personal opinions.

    EDIT; Fix that spawn where you run off the edge if you just keep running forward.
  19. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    The spawns are always screwed up when I edit them, I either need to learn how to make it support more teams spawning at the start or have someone come in to help me. I think I might have fixed it for Slayer already , so I will have to experiment.

    For CTF, did you download the gametype? Maybe, maybe not. CTF isn't supposed to be the highlight of the map, I think Slayer and KOTH are, but CTF, Assault and Oddball are secondary ones. There a difference between my CTF and regular CTF. Mine goes to 5, and you have to protect your flag because away and return times are shorter.

    If you tried 4v4 Team slayer or 4v4 KOTH it doesn't hold problems. Slayer, there's less problems than before, atleast spawning behind or in front of someone is gone. But I probably will have to go back and fix it for FFA gametypes.

    BTW: What is the spawn where you run off the edge?

    Thanks for taking the time for putting your personal opinions. I'm not the best forger, so I would expect some faults, sadly. It's what I deal with. But thanks, I will fix all suggestions in V2.
  20. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    I noticed that one spawn too and forgot to mention it. It is on the lower part of an elbow and points diagonally toward the corner.

    l .....-----------
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    l .O. l
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