These are some of the screens I have recently taken most of them are from the last level Halo, but there are two from Sierra 117. Enjoy! Backup [/URL] Singed [/URL] Tri Hogs [/URL] Planetarium [/URL] Running Home [/URL] High Five! [/URL] Drop Zone [/URL] Lookout [/URL] These are my newest screenies! Hope you like them and rate them!
Meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, and meh. They are all really average. Definitely NOT a must see. Sorry, man. You gotta be more creative than just taking pictures of fire and dead guys flying through the air. Oh, and that "waving" thing? Yeah. That's been done about a million and one times.
50/100 Only because of "Planetarium" As Doni said, you need to work on angles. The last pic, you can see he is merged inside of a tree... Resize your pics also. If its my computer then my bad.
Get some better angles on your shots. Some of the screenshots are pretty cool, not really that great. But overall I'll give u a 7/10