Tunnels "Get lost here and you might just end up dead." Or worse... lost. Created by BetaWaffle Designed for the gametype "Conquest" Download Tunnels _________________________________________________ The second map created for the gametype "Conquest". A series of winding halls lined with weapons just waiting to be shot. You start each round just a wall's distance away from the enemy team. You must then travel towards the middle of the map through twisting tunnels, picking up weapons along the way, until you get to the center. The closer to the center you get, the more confusing and hectic the game becomes. By the time you arrive at the center, your life expectancy has dropped to about 3 seconds. Have fun. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Have Fun (and please comment)
I remember playing this on the first FHEAP. The conquest gametype is great fun, andf BetaWaffle did a great job creating a map for it. I recomend this map and the gametype indefinately.
HAHA I imagine the CTF games to be full of screams and stuff. Flag Guy:"Where am I? AAAHHH!" *explosion* xD That's a tight map you got there, I like confusing maps that bring grown men to there knees in anger. Nicely done. =)
haha, what an awkward comment! But anyway, this map looks pretty cool, so I'll give it a holler. Would have been nice to see some pics of the blue team base and just the rest of the map in general (i.e. size and other weapons and whatnot). Only way to find out is a walk-through. We'll see..
HAHA O yea, forgot! xD My bad dude. it still doesn't defeat the fact that it brings rown men to there knees in anger. =)
This looks really well made,it's hard to tell how big the map is from the pics. I haven't played conquest yet, but hope to try it soon.