-B L A C K I S L E- -Important- Watch the gameplay video before you comment: YouTube - .:Black Isle:. Author's: Hardly Hidden, LeadinSpartan Gametype(s): D4m/\/ation. Player's: 2-8 Description: A map for the casual people of Halo 3. Both teams race for the hill with Gravity hammers and no edges to protect you, hit other players off the edge and escort your team to victory. Behind the scenes: Why I had to rename it: Bungie blocked the word Damn, so nothing worked except: D4M/\/ation, Yes I tried (Total D4mnation). Also, This was also made By Halo 3 Wheel Man group I used there map as a base from which I re-edited. It doesn't show a lot of re-editing, but these are old screenshots. Author's Notes: The map you see in the screenshots isn't the updated version, v2 is in the download, these are pictures of the old version. Newer Versions include: -Fusion Coil -Bigger Hill -Mongooses Screenshots: The Hill Player Traits: In case you couldn't read above: -4x Overshields -Infinite Ammo -Regenerating Gernades -Player Speed: 50% - Weapons: Primary: Gravity Hammer Secondary Energy Sword Download Black Isle Download Damnation Tell me what you think, Comments and Constructive Criticism Welcome. (BTW This is only my 2nd map here. )
i've played on a map very similer to this and i don't like the game idea and the fact u stand on a hill can't people come up with better maps i mean the same thing over and over started to piss me off
Ok here is what I have to say to that, Halo 3 is over what? Almost 2 years old. Well, how much custom content is uploaded to here and Bungie everyday? Millions and Millions. Now if you could actually make a map with an idea that has not been taken, you could be very lucky. You never know, It may already be taken, just not as popular, Now, I would rather have a comment on the map then the number of times you have played a similar one. Another point I also have is if the idea keeps getting re-done, it obviously means a lot of people like it. Best Regards, Hardly Hidden.
Wow. Now that the useless posters have posted useless posts, on to my post. The map looks very well made. Great job. It looks pretty fun. So is it like, push the other team out of the hill and earn points? Sounds fun. Can we have some more info on the new stuff? Like where it's placed and stuff. Are the mongweese just to get to hills faster, or to control the hill easier. Or just for show.
The map looks great, It looks really clean and it would have good gameplay, one thing i would do maybe is just change the health to invulnurable and no shield, the shield look ugly. and maybe change the grenades to just frag. I might download this tomorrow, i will edit my post if i do so.
The fusion coils are floating on the invisible floor of the sky bubble surrounding the middle of the hill while mongooses are there just to see who is daring enough to drive them. I will edit the gametype and map to fit your guy's needs in a bit I'm working on a Zombie Airport.
i have seen this map before and i don't know if you made it but it was called hogdigon or something to that effect but it was a warthog map where you would fight to push each other off... and there would be a kill ball in the middle and man cannons on the edges that was a good map if you didn't make it you stole it... but if u did good map
Looks pretty nice. The idea of hammers and hills has bin used before although you have managed to forge this quite nicely and by adding nades and more health, i think you have quite a fun unique game. Looks really fun for 5 people, nice map. 4/5
Who really gives a **** on how your spartan looks? At least they are playing. I do agree that the shield is a distraction, along with a few types of armors, but just to say that it is ugly? And the grenade setting is fine. I mean does it really matter in the long run? Goo luck with the airport! (I actually mean it.)
More ignorant people. Ok, this is why I am losing my faith in Forge Hub. Now, Instead of ignorantly trying to get popular by spamming your way to 10 post by posting a comment on a map saying: "Z0/\/\gorz 1 d0/\/t |i|<e tis maP BeCuZ I DoNt LiKe It. How about you make 10 legit post, pointing out the reasons behind your opinions to people: Example: My post to end yours. Best Regards, Hardly Hidden.