Yes, thats right. Still Alive, the hit (kinda) song from Portal, is now a playable song in Rock Band. And its free! It is so incredibly epic, even though all the instruments are crazy easy. Get it now! :squirrel_wtf: This is Jonathan Colton, who i believe is the composer of the song, singing the first part.. [youtube]cXkNkFLiRQ8[/youtube]
Oh wow... now that is funny. Can I get this from the Marketplace? Xd this actually made me laugh haha Nice find Insane...
its in the online store in rock band, dont know about marketplace. also note that its not the 'featured' song, just scroll thru the list for 'GlaDOS'
Ok, this might seem lame, but this song is really making me consider shelling out the huge price for Rock Band, Just to play this song. :squirrel_shiftyeyes: And I love cake
I found it man, haha thanks again for the find now I can rock out to Portal. Im going to even try singing, psh. You want to get on Insane?
lol @ PS3...they have to wait till the 17th. And yes, Jonathan Coulton composed this song, however the version in Portal (and in Rock Band) is sung by Ellen McLain (or GLaDOS after some computer enhancements) Huge Success.
Wow that is so hardcore ha Insane... I tried drumming, guitar, on Expert. I am going to try singing tomorrow I guess.
Lol, this is a great song, and probably really fun for people to play.. Except for the ones who are dead.
Nice! the singing is epic. it was too easy on the easiest levels but on the hard levels its really hard you have to sound like a robot, lol
lolwut? Portal+Rock Band=Epicus Ultima Too bad I suck at singing. D: Or guitar for that matter. Or bass. The only thing I'm really okay at is drums.
Yeah that song was super dooper easy. I got 99% on my first playthrough on expert guitar. Well maybe I am just amazing at Guitar Hero/Rock Band.
crazy easy on guitar/bass. Drums, only the bass pedal is hard (on expert), as it isn't regular, it changes a lot. But considering I generally can only drum on medium...really easy. Singing, well, I can't sing that high so I haven't tried.
Johathan Coulton is really good. I like his song Code Monkey. Anyway here he is singing the whole song