Antlion Defence

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Something., Jun 23, 2009.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Remember that awesome part from Half life 2, episode 2 where you had to hold off a huge-ass, ever more difficult wave of Antlions?

    Well good news! I just saved a whole bunch of - nah, I just remade the **** out of that part for halo! Instead of a lone man with an abnormally intense lust for crowbar, though, you get a bunch of friends and a variety of guns. And some other little twists.


    You start in the middle of this. BR, magnums and shotguns on the left, AR and SMG on the right.

    The start of the round begins with the humans plopped in the middle of a base of sorts. You have no radar, 110% speed, 150% gravity, and a heart of gold. Weapons are situated to the immediate left and right of you, along with a small cache of grenades. Be sure to grab these quick because you've only got 30 seconds before the Antlion onslaught begins. These weapons are constantly on respawn, so whenever you run low on ammo, you can rush back here to grab some more ammo. Don't camp here though! Shield doors litter the area, making it near impossible to survive more than a few seconds. The spot you'll really be defending is here:

    This is where you'll hold out.

    This tunnel is the first to open.

    This opens next...

    And, you guessed it, this opens last.

    Up here you'll find three tunnels ready to funnel an epic hoarde of Antlions your way. After 30 seconds, Antlions will start streaming through the lefthand tunnel. 60 seconds after that, the middle tunnel will open, and 60 seconds after that, the righthand tunnel will open. A key feature up here are the two trip mine boxes. These trip mines are on 30 second respawn, so use them to their full extent (As in make Antlions blow up good). And speaking of Antlions...

    The Antlions


    The Antlions spawn up in the skybubble, where teleporters wait to take them to the tunnels. They come in three classes for your enjoyment: The soldier, minion, and Queen. 50% of the party will start as the Antlions. Here's a brief description for each:


    The main type of Antlion you'll see. They have 90% damage resistance, normal shields, and 90% speed. Use the speed to your advantage to keep these at bay.



    Once your comrades start falling to the Soldiers, you'll see the Minions come your way. They are the same as the Soldiers, except for the 50% damage resistance. They don't pose as much of a threat as the Soldiers.



    Ah, the Queen. Once every so often (let's say a minute), a Queen will look around and say " You guys suck ass at this. Let me show you how it's done!" The queen, alongside a shiny gold goldness, has a triple overshield and 150% damage resistance. However, due to her lifestyle of champagne and chocolates, she's a fair amount slower than the others. And for some reason which can't be reasonably explained, she has a waypoint over her head. Expect a competent group of Antlions to wait for her to waddle her fat ass over to the teleporter, than go in as a huge group.


    - Don't overlap trip mines. One is enough to kill in the immediate area and de-shield those somewhat close to it. However, if you know a queen is coming, then an overlap is good.
    - Don't move around so damn much. The less shots that ping off your teammate's shoulder, the more go into Antlion flesh.
    - Organise your ammo runs, or at least shout it out so you don't have everyone go at the same time. 1-2 should be down in the ammo area at most.
    - To stall an ammo run in the beggining, juggle a couple of SMG's to the first tunnel.


    - At the begginning, send one guy out to "set off" the trip mines, followed by the rest
    - When a Queen approaches, send a couple guys in first, followed immediately by the Queen/ the rest.
    -When multiple tunnels open, mix up the order/amount you go in. A big group to one tunnel, followed by one to the other may catch a group off- guard.
    -Jumping in the middle tunnel can give you a small speed boost

    Oh, and here's a rough idea of what to expect when playing this. At first:

    So the humans was all like "Lol we teh own rite guyz?"

    And so the Antlions was all like "New zombie! New zombie!" OOOOOOH SNAP!

    And an example round here:
    YouTube - Antlion Defence

    The End.

    #1 Something., Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Antlion Defence has to be the best infection map I have ever played Something... I'm sorry to say this, but I kinda like it a bit more than The City. But that's just me talking, you can't really compare two different games like The City and Antlion Defence. This is one helluva amazing map Something. And it's not just the map, it's the idea behind the map. You turned the usual one-sided infection idea into something that requires skill and teamwork. Defending one tunnel from oncoming zombies is easy, but you made the average idea better by adding on two more tunnels! This reminds me a lot of Halo Life 2, and my least favorite part of the campaign.

    I recommend you all try this out if you haven't already. You won't be sorry! Although we didn't get to try out the final interlocked version because you said it had holes in it, I'm pretty sure that didn't effect the amazing gameplay. My favorite part has to be the teamwork involved. I love infection games that require teamwork to succeed, and you always seem to be full of ideas for infection maps that require teamwork. Placing the trip mines couldn't be anymore fun then it is on this map! Something, I declare you winner of teh internetz!

    5/5 bananananananaz of winzoarz! Dun worry gai, I'll rate the thread after somebody else has. The first rating doesn't count towards the overall rating...
  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    Half LIfe Rocks i want to download the game type and create a map of my own would you mind that?

    MR JOEY BON Ancient
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    Wow i thought this would be terrible.. but it was great! The gametype was even enough, and right when the humans thought they had a good plan, the queen would show and they'd have to adjust tactics, or another tunnel would open.
  5. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    I remember playing someone's Antlion Defense map back non Foundry. I remember being sorely disappointed. This map is much better. Expect to get to the second tunnel without too much trouble, but the third is exponentially more difficult. I haven't played the newer gametype involving the queen (which I assume is brought about by a custom powerup), but I can't imagine Something has made any changes for the worse.

    And good lord, I wish all of them would have the intelligence to not overlap tripmines. Sometimes it is better to save them to throw in the face of an onrushing horde.

    Well balanced, certainly. Though a little annoying to be the zombie, satisfaction arises as time wears on and you see the last man cowering in the corner. It also helps that the players take turns being alpha zombies, meaning at least you know you get to be human next round.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    it looks like you balanced the zombies really well with the armoury, which is hardly ever done correctly. i haven't really tried al the objects, but if the teleporters open by grav lifts, wouldn't you just be able t opust them over?
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Well, i dont know what Antlion is but from the looks of it this looks pretty fun and well forged. From the looks of it the map looks like it can play well and looks fun with some friends. Although to get the full feel i will have to play this with friends, so I`ll download this right now.
  8. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    This map is simply awesome. But where this consumption is truly great is in the game type. It makes it fair for both humans and infected. I only have one question: how do minions spawn? Do they spawn after a soldier dies after an amount of lives?

    You deserve a 9/10. The map isn't really that special though...
  9. RxT Toxic

    RxT Toxic Ancient
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    This map looks like a fun infection map, i haven't play half-life 2 but it still seems like a great map to play. You got my DL.
  10. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Sounds pretty thrilling, i read the entire post and the gameplay sounds fantastic! Finally an infection game that takes strategizing and is fair to both teams. Great job on taking this awesome gametype and map and making some great times :)

  11. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    is this the same one i broke or did u fix it?

  12. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    I loved playing this at the Brainfeast, it is an amazing map.
    It made me want to play that part of Half Life as soon as I was done.
    However while playing I noticed there are actually 5 tunnels in the real thing, the three main ones then the two small ones, do you think that you will make these in a V2?
  13. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    1. What do you mean about 5 tunnels? There's only 3, it's all I had budget to make.
    2. The way the spawn works is mancannons spawn under the block, launching them away. The only way the mancannon affects you is if so many people rush in that all 3 teleporters are are blocked by falling zombies at the same time, which rarely happens.
    3. The minions ARE the people who got infected.
    4. The trick with the "armoury" as you put it, is that you need to run back down to the weapons, grab them, then run back up. In that time, you can very easily get overwhelmed, unelss you plan the ammo run ahead.
  14. phd lolz

    phd lolz Ancient
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    This looks awesome. Forging is great, and the gametype looks well thought-out and tested. Definite DL and 5/5.
  15. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This . . . is . . . amazing. It is just like you to make another amazing infeection map that I love to play. The mechanics of this are great. Also, I'm glad you made it so there are different types of antlions. If it was just soldiers, that would be boring. Also, the amount of tactics for both antlions and humans makes this so much better. The aesthetics aren't the best though, but who cares? Good job to another good infection map.
  16. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I was considering making the bottom of the tunnels tin cups, but it used too many objects up, as well as that nasty z-fighting. Unless someone knows how to minimise that?
  17. Mirage Axl

    Mirage Axl Ancient
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    It may not be that special but I've only seen a couple of Half-Life maps including his. And he did a very good job with the map. The gameplay is great especially with 10+ players. Great idea for the map, i wouldn't have thought to use the antlion battle for a map idea. 5/5 for certain. Great job.
  18. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    I can see that your wit is as sharp as ever. Much funnier then the city. Why didn't you make it so the armory fills with killballs at 45? seems a lot more easier then all those shield doors. How many people do you need to play this, like 6-16 right?

    and why didn't you invite me to any test games?
  19. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Finally, it's up. This has to be one of the most entertaining infection maps I've played in a long time. Glad to see it up, I recommend this game to anyone.
  20. Mander

    Senior Member

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    At first, when I saw the pictures, I thought "Oh great, another Great Journey map where the infected get slaughtered. And then I read your description and it turns out that you made this much more creative and fun than I expected. I'll have to dl and play it to give it a fair review but from what I've read and seen, it sounds pretty damn sweet.
    My only suggestion would be to make it more asthetically pleasing by adding more gold (Columns, etc) to spruce up the mundane stone walls and floor.

    Good Job, you know infection well Something.

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