Because it isnt in the middle it IS assymetric. Putting bumps into the floor doesnt make the surfaces look pretty, and for a map thats based around forge its pretty damn careless considering people complained about the bumps in foundry's walls/floors. To make a map look pretty they could have just made those piles of sand/tiles images and made them flat, would non forgers even notice? More importantly would they give a flying **** wether it was a bump or an image. Forgers are the only ones that care about it and they got the middle finger. hees complaining about whats wrong with forge, wether Bungie intended to make it that way is irrelevant its still a problem with the Forging system. Either you need to get off Bungies nuts or your just fed up with this type of thread. Forge is awesome but there are plenty of things that could have easly been made to make forging so much easier when making a great map. it just seems like they put some things in to spite forgers at times (one thing is like why arent Double Boxes/Crypt walls flat?)
I am sure you were great at rotation, translation, and reflection in math class. I am not here to justify Bungies action, just like your incoherent sentence structure and spelling is not here to justify your intelligence. Besides, I originally thought that is was the walls on the crypt you guys were referring too, but I've gotten it all wrong. It's the sand on the ground. I've gone into forge on Sandbox plenty of times, and I've noticed almost no difference in height when placing objects over a sandy patch. The difference is so miniscule infact, only the most uptight Forger with his own controller shoved up his ass would take notice and throw a hissy fit. A more logical argument against the sandy patches would be: "Grenades don't bounce as far if they hit sand, which can disrupt gameplay." But no, that is far to logical and relevant to ***** about. Besides, the bumps in the world are the only beauty blind people have. Thank you, finally someone admits that he was complaining. However, I'll have to momentarilly hold back my applause because Bugnie's intention (or should I say lack thereof?) does matter. The golden rule of justified complaing is to complain about things that can be helped. However, since that is not the case here, complaining is complaining and nothing more. Get off of what? I'm sorry, I am a bit confused. Either you are implying that I give Bungie $2 blowjobs behind the pub, or you're just delusional; because I don't need to get off of anything, you just need to get onto Hooked on Fonics. And yes, I know that it's "Phonics", but I though I'd save you the time when typing it into Google Search. It could really do you a load of gud. Or maybe you're just admitting that you are a half-witted nobody taking sides in a battle that cannot be won in hopes of pleasing some pathetic whelp of a premium. The fact of the matter is that you're a nobody, and will always remain a nobody. You're just another moron that I'm fed up with seeing in threads such as these. There is, of course, the third option that hasn't seemed to grace your mind, provided that you have one. Maybe I'm addicted to being a douchebag, because despite what people say it really isn't as hard as it looks. Perhaps I just call it as I see it, because voicing one's mind isn't that tough. You're an idiot, and a nobody. See? I didn't even bat an eye. So how about you take your pick, because right now I can throw you into the cage of idiots, or wimpering dogs. Both are lower in value than the gum at the bottom of my shoe, so it makes no difference to me. And honestly, we can ask "why?" all day, but it isn't going to change anything. Why are there bumps on the middle tier floor? Why are double boxes bumpy in surface texture? Why are you such an idiot? Even if we get an answer, it is the way it is and nothing is going to change.
People just cannot be satisfied it seems. Sometimes people just need to stop bitching about stupid **** and deal with it. Be happy with what you have. I couldn't see why people would care if you quit or not. Racetracks arefun for about one or twice anyways, but that's just my opinion. If only blind kids played video games...
I am actually laughing at this thread. Sure, there are tons of problems with Forge, and I agree. But then you talk about interlocking, forging in the sand, geomerging- Bungie never intended for you to do any of that. Why do you think they put the lasers guarding the sand? And interlocking, they just added the options that allowed you to do that because they were generous. You just figured out geomerging on your own because teleporters opened up a whole new level for you. Sure, there would not be as good as maps as there are now if you did not do all of this, but then there would not be any major flaws that you are talking about. I do not care if I am saying this to a premium member or the admin of the site, but THINK BEFORE YOU POST. That goes for you too, xX5w33ny70ddXx. He made this thread to get people to talk about the flaws of forging (which of course, as I just mentioned, would not be if you followed the rules). But even though he did not think about what other people would think if they saw a thread like his, he just tried to spark conversation.
good, it's good that people are starting to quit. after over 2 years. and they need to learn that theres other games out there. for example : i just got Saint Row 2 and i can't stop playing it, i had no idea what i was missing out on. besides forging is boring with all you people crying when it's not interlocked and what not
Of course, because that dead horse clearly wasn't beaten with a stick enough. And you know who else spark things? Arsonists, and I don't see anyone rushing to their side in defense. Maybe they never meant to flick a burning ash from their cigarette while camping in the woods, resulting in a forest fire that destroyed many homes, but it happened. The point is, I did think before I posted, and I have been thinking the same thoughts over and over. How the hell is this thread still open, and why do people insist on it being good for discussion?
I don't see how you can just quit. U can take a break for a while but eventually you will have a good idea and u will want to test it. Doing a recreational thing every once and a while can not be quitted upon but only dropped temporarily or forever. Its not like u r forced to do it on a schedule that u no longer want to comply with.
Guys, I'm quitting FH. Since I think that you all think that I'm well-known, and because I think my opinions deserve to be heard by everyone here, let me list my obvious and overcomplained reasons. 1. I don't like how much spam there is here! I know the mods are doing everything in their power to stop it, and that some of it is just good plain fun, but man! I don't want spam in my threads. I mean that I know that everyone complains about having spam but good grief! Let me complain about spam one more time! Golly, spam sucks! 2. So many Sandbox maps! I used to like using Sandbox, but then it got all popular. I know how it's so easy to use a blank canvas to convey my ideas into my map, but I don't want others to use Sandbox to convey their ideas which I think are less worthy of attention! 3. I used to like posting here a lot, and now I find myself spending most of my time just lurking and posting in OT. The maps section just isn't as fun as it used to be for me, and I refuse to accept the conclusion that I may have outgrown FH, and I shall instead banter about why FH changed for the worse. 4. Why is Forge Discussion at the bottom of the Halo Boards, instead of the top? Why is Graphics & Arts not a subforum in OT like it should be? I'm far too nitpicky to leave these issues outstanding. The point of my post is to spark a 'discussion' of why these flaws exist, and why the mods and staff, who as far as I can tell have no lives and should be dedicating all of their time 24/7 to this free site, allowed these flaws to exist. They're a disgrace to my family name and honor. Now, I'm going to go ***** incessantly and inaccurately about why FH was provided and designed so that only the moderators and other staff can use this site effectively, but us normal members cannot without extreme determination. Toodles.
I love these kinds of people, you get them everywhere on the internet to some lardass venting stress out behind the safety of his monitor to some uptight twat who thinks people actually give a damn about what hees talking about e.e. You should use correct spelling even though ive made quite a few spelling mistakes myself. ive read it all before, there are plenty of e-fags on the net and the day i give a flying **** about what some uptight nerd thinks about my education/intelligance is the day il loose all respect for myself. I dont see why you would think i would care, you shouldnt care either and learn to not take the Internet as if everything on here is serious. point is at the end of the day you need to get a grip, get off your computer and if your going to argue with a complete stranger do it outside and not hide behind a computer screen. 12 Year olds can be dicks on this thing, and being proud of being an e-*** is pathetic. Its the Internet, stop taking it all so seriously and try to get out a bit more itl do you some good. Make some friends, get a gf (if you aint got one) and go to some parties and you might find that you wont be such an uptight ****er who takes the internet too seriously.
what that i love being a **** over the internet? that i need to loosen up? get more friends/girlfriend? that ive wasted **** loads if time making blogs/**** loads of posts. help me out here
Sad to see ya go, ShaddoBlade. I personally liked the old Forgehub as well. It didn't have the "gtfa"ers who constantly put people down... But you're just gone from forging, which shouldn't be too bad. You still have a life to lead, right? Have fun!
To ShaddoBlade: Spoiler Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin' Streetlight, people Don't stop believin' Hold on... Streetlight, people Don't stop believin' Hold on to that feelin' Streetlight, people The flaws you're talking about have been discussed to death. If you want to quit forging because of the additional effort you need to put into creating flawlessly smooth interlocks then by all means, quit. But if you're suggesting that Bungie intentionally built forge with flaws, then what you need is time to get your mind right. So much information is stored into the map files and they're still only 56.48 KB. What did you expect. Magic beans? If everyone stopped playing guitar because of a few calluses' then we'd have missed out on some great music. ShaddoBlade, you were the Chosen One! It was said you would bring balance to the forge, not leave it in darkness!
Sorry to be off topic, but Xavier: "Reason for editing: Fixing a GRAMTICAL..." you exchanged grammar error for spelling error. ^_^ I think this thread has gone on too long btw.