CRYSTLE CREEK 3 BY: xItZ jENKiNSx Hello, and welcome to the third and final map of the Crystle Creek series. There is a link in my thread to see the previous two maps in the series. I didn't make this map. My friend, who I call DC (his old GT was DCking2265) is the creator of the mapand the entire Crystle Creek series. It is to be played with 2-8 players. The gametypes that are compatible and fun to play this with are Team Slayer and CTF. It took him quiet a while to make this map just by looking at the merging incorporated into it. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but the gameplay will also satisfy you. It has a ghost that can navigate throughout the map in the hands of a skilled driver. There is also a sniper in the map, but some of the lines of sight are blocked so it isn't too overpowering. There is a mauler under the center bridge. Also, the bridge in the middle up high can be accessed via grenade jump for a better view with the sniper but is not recommended because you are an easy target for a player who has picked up some plasma grenades. The defenders base (back hallways) holds the ghost, while the attackers base has a short walk to the sniper. I know the gravity hammer is practically in the defenders base, but the gameplay is still even. Especially seen as how the middle of the map is pretty open and the gravity hammer holder will find it difficult to survive. You also might be thinking this map is too small for a ghost, but it's extremely easy to navigate around. On to the screenshots. This is an overview of the map sort of) from the defenders base. You have a view of the ghost from this position. This a view of the defenders base. You can see the ghost. You can go under the ghost into an open room to sneak around and get the flag. This is a view from the inside of the defenders base. You will spawn here at the start of the round. This is the hammer spawn. It is very near the defenders base and you can tell from the beautiful merge into the pipes. This is the attackers base. This is the middle bridge I was talking about. It has a mauler underneath it. It is an easy way to get from side to side on the higher ground. Here is the way to get onto the middle bridge and this also shows the sniper spawn on the right. This is the plasma nade spawn near the attackers base and underneath it is the flare. Also, the shielddoor in the back won't spawn in FFA. This screenshot shows the center bridge and the high up bridge I was telling you that you shouldn't go on. Thats it for screenshots. I would love any constructive critisism. Please rate, comment, and download. Crystle Creek 3 Thankyou for reading.
wow. this is spectacular. great interlocking and beautiful geomerging...and you only used half of foundry! (wish i had thought of that). I might have some constructive criticism after i download and playz it a few times wit muh friends. I like.
Wow, do i smell a feature? This is truly an amazing map, perfect geomerging, and some really creative ideas. This is really nicely done. Seems perfect for small team slayer games. All around i would say 9.5/10 (all i would change is all the crates and movable objects because they can be moved even with teleporters, without them all you could add more to your map.) With a v2 this is a definet feature.
Awesome. The aesthetics made me poo(good way), you didn't go crazy with the weapons, and gameplay I expect to be smooth and flawless. I never thought I would be downloading another foundry map, but this map proved me wrong. 5/5, and a dl, spectacular work.
i love how the attackers base completely sucks compared to everything else's sexiness haha. good job though u get my dl
Love it DC!! I'm DC's friend and I helped test, any way the pictures look good. the game play is amazing hardly anyone uses the attackers base but it is still fun to have. I just have one question is this the version without the warthogs?(there was a version I got our of easily...) Billy please tell me it's the right version.
This looks fantastic, and looks like it plays fantastic, too. I will download this and try to grab a game or two on it if I can. One of the best foundry maps I have seen in a while. Really the only thing I can see wrong is your spelling of "crystal" ... lol. Just for that, 4.5/5.
wow the forging on this map is absolutely rediculous (in a good way) how the hell does he do that? I LOVE how the stairs are interlocked into geomerged boxes to create short ramps, that is awesome. I wish i knew how to forge like this. i hate foundry but this map is badass. 5/5 for sure.
Yo StolenSteal showed me this map! This is so amazing and it impressed me at a first glance. I like your other two maps as well but the spawns are kind of broken cause I spawned next to him a lot on the 2nd map. But this map is nice and so are the others you showed me today and yesterday. Keep it up jenkins =D
this looks nice and the defenders base looks good from the pic you posted. although the middle bridge walls should be moved out a fencewall so you dont get that little line of the walls. but that is it except from the ghost i dont think its needed but good merging and interlocking
Looks nice. The forge work is impressive but the map lacks game play value by the looks of it. Good luck. 7/10
Jenkins, i loved playing this with you, and i just love the gameplay, and this map is great when you just cant get enough people for a bigger map, great geomerging and aesthectics. 5/5
very nice. the interlocking flows with the map and there is a good amount of cover,not overflowed with cover, but not a barren waste nice map 5/5
I guess if you're making a map on foundry these days it's gotta be a darn good one. Which of course you made. Like the rest of them, you're a crazy forger. Besides that, this map is a little more memorable than the other foundry maps lately and it's just as perfectly forged. My only concern is that you have BRs and windows and stuff but it's all useless because you have shield doors preventing you from shooting from windows. That's my only flaw I'll give you. Take out the unnecessary shield doors and you'll have a smoother flow of the map.