i just got Red Faction (amazing game, go rent it, at least) its so full of bad-assery that i decided to make a sig. CnC please, thankss v1 v2 and i took your advice on this last one v3
Can't really see the A and C in Faction, might want to move that down a little. I like the sharpening of his face and hammer, but not how parts of his arm is sharpened and blurred. It seems to me that you over sharpened on some parts, but that could just be me. I suggest you either just sharpen his head and hammer or his entire body or just his arms/head/hammer.
yeah, i think i did the sharpen/blur on the arm by accident. as for the text, i will post a v2 here in a minute. thanks
Well, to begin with, the ripple/tear/crinkle effect cuts right through the focal's face, which doesn't look very good. Though that may be part of the stock, it still looks bad. The whole word "Faction is too hard to read, the main problem being the "act" part of it... I would choose a different color for the text and possibly move it in closer to the focal. The sub-text, "Get Hammered," should be in a different font, and a different color that is more complimentary to the rest of the sig. You should blur his whole leg and shoe, and fix the patchy blur areas in general; The only things that shouldn't be blurry are his hammer and/or face, depending on how you want to focus the sig. Good effort, but needs improvement.
Now the F is kind of hard to see, also i agree with Kratos on the "Get Hammered" by matching with color and changing text.