Dark Park This race is my first "Double Wide" race, this is also my first map post on forge-hub! This is a challenging race and as it says in the (confusing) description, it takes a lot of practice I can do the race without falling off almost every time so there you go. The race is super smooth leaving you with no excuses if you fall off. I am very proud of this race and i think it was well worth the day it took to make it. feel free to tell me what you think. But just to clear things up the whole thing is not double wide, i know! and also i realize it is short, get over it. There is only one picture and I'm pretty sure its not embedded, sorry. There is more to the race than what the picture shows, and it includes a jump! but you'll have to see that for yourself. I don't know what's happening but maybe my trouble has something to do with the fact that i am using a mac? Never mind, i urge you to download despite the fact that there is only one picture. it would make my day to know that someone has downloaded the map and gave feedback. Download Link- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Quick Pic- YouTube - Halo 3 Race Map- Dark Park
Lol. Anyways, I don't mind the look of it, but it does seem a bit too short. Unless the picture doesn't show all of the map, it is pretty short. But whatever, I'll give it a try. Though next time, try making the track a bit longer. 3/5.
I do like the look, but more pictures would have been good. If you go to haloscreenshots.net it will be easier to embed the pictures. Just type in your GamerTag and you can get the BB from any of your screenshots. P.S. MAC!!!
thanks i'll try to get more pictures and i'll put the youtube video of it on here too! or maybe i'll just post the youtube video..........oh yeah and for whoever posted first- there is more to the track than the picture shows, also i ran out of objects fast and i wasn't prepared to use anything else to build my race. Maybe thats something i can do next time =) Just added a youtube video make sure you have a look!
Short but very good! The double wide is awesome for large parties I'm guessing. I'll DL it for sure, looks very smooth. I guess to make it double-wide you had to sacrifice length, huh? Other than the length great. 4/5
ok its a great track. one of the best on foundry. but if i were you with your forging capabilities i would get the mythic map pack. with all of its room and stuff to use you can eaisily make a big track and a nice one. keep forging.4.5/5