Why We Hate Bungie (Short Series)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dafatdude243, Jun 23, 2009.

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  1. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    Why We Hate Bungie

    Me and my friends have
    always talked about making videos dedicated to the
    reasons why we hate Bungie. Most people will hate us
    for saying that but, after you see these three compilations
    we threw together, you will understand why we hate
    Bungie. All of the footage was gathered within a month
    from just playing casually. If we really looked out for
    other player's videos and we spent all day every day
    playing games and saving the clips, I could have put
    together a better video. But we came up with these:

    YouTube - Why We Hate Bungie

    YouTube - Why We Still Hate Bungie

    YouTube - Yes, We Still Hate Bungie

  2. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    Dude thats me in those!!!!! I'm famous!!!!!!!!!
  3. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Wow if you hate bungie this much then why are you playing halo 3 enough to gather all these clips. If you hate them throw your halo disc in the garbage. Im guessing you lag like hell or you just get owned all the time.

    The only thing i can agree with you is the head shot thing where a headshot and blood squirting doesn't do anything.

    And you cant hate bungie for having some glitches, its part of every game.
    #3 Plan B, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    So you hate bungie because your internet lags sometimes and glitches that are in any other game? I'm surprised if you're still playing video games in general.

    And the no teleporter link. So what? They still work, that happens to me all the time.
    #4 Rifte, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I am about to watch them, but before I do, why are you making videos on why you hate bungie and yet you still play halo3? That makes no sense to me.
  6. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    It's lag. Go get a better connection.

    EDIT: Oh, and the extermination bit, you waited too long in-between kills. An opponent player spawned before you reached overkill.
    #6 Chipsinabox, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok, I watched it. Your a complete jerk for making this series. Most of the clips you took were your bad lag, its not bungie's fault. And even if its not lag, its a simple mistake. You don't have to hate them for making a misake, don't well all? Also the gap in the wall on foundry has never messed me up when forging. Ever heard of geomerging. I would never put a box up against a wall anyway without geomerging. And as Chips said, you waited to much time in between the kills for the extermination. Grow up
  8. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    I think it's pretty obvious that when I say I hate bungie I am exageratting. I don't hate them, halo just pisses me off sometimes. I still can have fun in halo. It's one of the few xbox games I actually own.

    And everybody is telling me its all lag. Well I know what lag is but don't you think there would have been other signs earlier in the game? All of these clips were taken from games with almost zero signs of lag.

    Another thing. Only about half of the clips can be caused by lag, other things are still bungie's fault. I have a good connection and I have not had any major problems with it yet. Halo is the game with the most flaws I have seen so far, out of all the new generation game systems. I'm sure there are some that are worse, but halo is the worst I have seen.

    EGP do you think I want to ****ing geomerge everytime I want a straight wall? It's incredibly inconsistent. Geomerging is a glitch. Bungie didn't intentionally put it in there.

    The extermination thing was my bad. I didn't realize that was the rule. Maybe bungie should be a little bit more specific with the description of their medals and I would have known.

    I wish you guys would lighten up and just watch the films. Maybe just say, "oh that sucks that happened to him." You don't need to get all pissed at me. I think you might be confusing me for Bungie.
  9. Mr Fausticals

    Mr Fausticals Ancient
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    lol that was funny. your so hardcore at talkiin smack B. =P

    I'd aso like to add to all of you non-haters that a vast majority of the clips could not possibly have anything to do with lag. Look at all the swat clips. How can lag explain spawn killing? How can lag explain 3-5 headshots with no death when the players are moving smoothly( aka no teleporting). Also, you guys are taking this Way Too seriously. We joke about these clips because we think things should have happened differently. Obviously Bungie Can't be all the blame since this game was a pretty newer game to xbox 360. Ofcourse there are going to be glitches. So don't go getting your panties in a knot because we're jocking on Bungie.
    #9 Mr Fausticals, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  10. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    you realy should just apreciate the effort that bungie put into the game. i hate it when people like you start complaining over Xbox live and then don't know why they get yelled at to shut up.
  11. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Its called sarcasm noob. Learn it.

    EDIT: Upon reading the rest of these posts, I believe this would apply to most of those posting here. Put it this way: if he actually hated Bungie, why would he take the time to make 3 entire montages based on something he clearly doesn't enjoy doing? Even still, why would he post it on a site like this, where the entire community is pro-Bungie?
    #11 mikeblair333, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  12. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    The name of your videos can be quite provoking, especially on a website such as ForgeHub, where everything here is based around the game that you are negatively critiquing.

    Yes, halo does have flaws in it, but you need to understand the nature of how players are connected. Halo 3 relies on hosts for connecting players, not set servers. I can guarantee you that your experience as well as most of the halo community's would be detrimented by the use of servers over hosts. Look at Battlefield: Bad Company. Battlefield may not show signs of incredible lag, but since every player's xbox has to send their gaming perspective to the same server, it creates very bad firefights and poor melee combat. Halo 3 is a gamble. Just hope to have a host with a decent internet connection.

    The connection gauges in game next to player's screen names are highly unresponsive and slow, not to mention inaccurate. I wouldn't back any opinion with those gauges. Absolutely horrible...

    #12 Chipsinabox, Jun 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  13. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Your calling ME a noob? lol!!!
    This needs to be quoted. All of a sudden a get a name change and people treat me like a new member, I love this.

    There was no sarcasm, he does hate Bungie (for no reason), and that is why he created the videos. Why else would he create the videos? Gather your information first and make sure you are ready to talk to me before you embarrass yourself again.
  14. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    This thread is going nowhere.
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