Pilaster Download Pilaster Download Pilaster Snipe Download MLG Pilaster Description: This is my first halo 3 map. Pilaster is symmetrical diagonally and provides great gameplay. This map is meant of ATLAS and is designed to give the most practical flag, slayer and KoTH games. Pillars are used throughout the map to block major LoS and prevent domination. The high ground is necessary to control the match however most of the power weapons spawn on the ground floor. This provides an interesting Risk vs Reward. This map is great with Br or Ar starts. There is a MLG version and Team Sniper version provided. Who knows? This might be matchmaking material. Pictures
This map looks good and shows some promise. To me though it seems kinda I don't know plain. The bases look good and the astetics are also good looking but it just needs something. I don't really know what and I don't know if I am the only one who feels that way but yeah. The looks are good can't say about gameplay (x-box is broke) so I'll give you a 3/5 based on looks. If anyone can help me out with my concern it would be appreciated.
The map is a little open, with tall vantage points, and brs and snipe: that leads to grief. if some one takes the sniper up to the high spot they are very well concealed and can rack up kills. I would recomend some overhead cover.