Xbox is making a new xbox relitivly soon that has Natal built in. the new Xbox pics are cool, it's a sphere shape. (BTW the new xbox is just a design so don't expect to see much.)
Well, at a point i though xbox should have had a disc tray like the Wii's and PS3, but I notice if anything was to ever happen to those trays or the mechanics in them, you would have to potentially replace the system... I just don't like the 360's tray very well. It hangs out in the opening and anybody could just walk buy and break it. Plus sooner or later the try will start not opening like mines. You will have to press "open tray" like a million times. So like sweeny said, i would like to see an xbox that doesn't have so many faults in it like the 360...
i hate it when i have to send my box back in, because Xbox (the company) willgive us back our Xbox and the DLc will be gone! our Arcade games are now demos or missing (even though we have the achievements for the game) and when we try to contact CS you get a fu**** robot!!!!! i then have to pay a little over $100 to get all the DLC back and then a few months later the damn thing breaks again. i also hate that my Xbox "ringed" my CoD4+5,Oblivion,chromehounds and armored core disks.
If it was a sphere, there wouldn't be any reason to call it the Xbox, now is there? I'd just like to see some kind of internet browser for a new xbox, other than that the 360 is a good system, and I'm probably not going to pick up natal.
Uhm, no? They simply announced a new xbox, which will more than likely be a bundle with Natal included. And making it a sphere is potentially the most retarded design choice I could imagine. That is why I also dislike the PS3, it's curved top doesn't really allow stacking. For example, my xbox 360 (in my opinion, it is perfect in looks and shape) has my computer monitor sitting ontop. It's durable and supports the reasonably light screen, and allows me to conserve space. Honestly, stop being a dumbass and do a little bit of research first. Steve Ballmer Apologizes For New Xbox Confusion -
I researched it just a little bit and came up with a picture. It's supposedly a concept design. It's probably photoshop at work by some kid but either way, it looks damn cool, however unpractical it is.
that would make it more expensive though. I think the xbox is fine how it is. I hope they don't add anything fancy (internet, blue ray) because its unnecessary because its a gaming console and because it will raise the price (PS3)
If you have a ps3 for long enough it starts to break even because you don't have to pay a monthly subscription to xbox live.
I would like my xbox to transformer into a little robot and help me around the house. That would be nice.