I'm currently playing through on Veteran. This is my first playthrough and I'm at the mission called Relentless (W/ the anti-tank areas) and I was wondering if anyone has beaten all of it. I've never seen someone who's done it and it's supposed to be the hardest one so w/e. Anyone?
Ive completed it on Veteran and the main thing to watch out for is grenades, the bombardment only really starts happening when you camp in one spot for more than 3 seconds lol, I'll try to give you as muchhelp as I can. Hard Landing is an easy mission as you can abuse the infinite airstrikes and use the ray gun and still get the achievement, if you dont know how to get it just youtube it. The most notorious mission is probably the 2nd to last one where you have to destroy the Flak 88's, the 1st and 2nd are fine but the transition to the 3rd of 4th is the hardest part of the game IMO. The start of the mission after that is quite hard where youre in the first open hall and have to make you're way up the stairs, that and the very last part at the rooftop before the flag cutsceneare the hardest parts. If you keep dying at a certain part of the mission: Move from point to point keeping the enemies away from you if you happen to keep dying while moving to a certain point, mix it up by trying something new there. Patience is the key, if you happen to get pissed off just open the disc tray and play another game and come back to it later. I really do hope this helps
I beat it...neither at my house or with my gt. So i got all the achievements for my friend without realizing it.
I'm trying to do it, I try to beat a level once a week...ish. Not working so well right now, grenade spammers piss me off. I love how the enemy goes out of their way just to run past everyone towards you and only you.
@Ninjapoker Inorite... I hate the grenades when they go like just out of ur throw back range. If you are prone and have short cover you die... period. Also the part I'm at doesn't apply to that. I just need to know if when you are at the flame tank if it's infinite respawn or if you can just kill everyone. I would find out but I'm not gonna restart just to find out and I'm not gonna play the game on another GT cuz it takes a while to get where I am.
My friend beat WaW on veteran on both the 360 and Wii, I believe. He told me the hardest part was the starting of the mission of Shock and Awe, when Roebuck yells spider holes, then advancing to the bunkers with turrets were nightmares without smoke grenades. He told me that he heard spider holes so many times that he almost went crazy, and that they should re-name World at War to Call of Grenades. Seriously, avoiding fire and grenades at the same time makes for bad gameplay.
I finally beat it last night... Heart of the Reich was a ***** but I perservered... Woulda finished sooner but I went away for 4 days (Thursday-Sunday) but that leaves me with only the Sum of all Zeros to do so that's nice. Anyone else 1000 it?
I did it like a few weeks after the game came out imo The sum of all zero were the most annoying but after 20+ tries i got it.
I have attempted a few of the levels, but their too hard. Especially the achievement where you must beat a level on the hardest difficulty without dying. I also found the level where your controlling a tank to be very hard.