Repulsion: ] : Halo 3 File Details By Apocalypse2695 & iTz Flair Recommended Players: 8-16 Suitable Gametypes: Battle Lasers "Swoop through the dusty intertwined labyrynth of banked waves, rolling hills and plunging drops" Repulsion is mine, and Apocalypse2695's newest racetrack, and is definitly my best to date. He started it off, then we decide to do a little collaboration and I think it worked out good. After adleast 40 hours of work, handing it off to each other back and forth this masterpeice came out nearly exactly how we wanted it, with very few flaws. It is 100% cheatproof and is designed for Battle Lasers, so take it for a spin and tell us what you think! Pictures: Overview: Second Overview: Starting Area: First Turn: Mini Dip/Off-Cambered Turn: Spiral Turn: Second Mini Dip/Off-Cambered Turn: Wall-T Banked Wave: Massive Rolling Hill: Pink Dip/ Banked Dunes Turn: Geo-Merged Cliff Hanger/ VIP Drop Off: Red S-Wave: Final Banked Turn: Well, I hope you liked it! Download Here: Battle Lasers: http://
This is way nicer than my posts Flair-Itmakes it look more intense with game action going on in the pics. Nice job and thanks for doing all that technical stuff that I hate. EDIT:In case you all forgot, I am apocalypse2695-its just that my other account is messed up so I post here on my bros
wow this is amazing. I have no suggestions for you, but i would love to comment on how smooth your track is! I am gonna dl this fersure because you didn't just make a lame straight track where there is no excitement. instead, you made many hills, banked turns, and even a little jump to boot! excellent map!
Shockwave showed me this yesterday and I have to say I was impressed. This is by far your best racetrack. It's a lot smoother than your other tracks and you have some nice original ideas. I still think your method of making racetracks is much harded than my method though. Haha oh well, great track.
We both made it. And no offense to Flair because he was great to work with-but he did the about 35% of the track and I did about 65%, but he did some astetics and he made a great spawn area and all the technical stuff. I'm not trying to hog all the credit-Just seems like you guys assume he made the map because he posted it.
Looks outstandingly smooth and really has alot of effort put into it. I just tried Battle Lasers and Battle Snipes, and they wereboth incredibly fun I could not decide which one was better! Good job Flair
Race tracks never cease to amaze me. ... There, finally back. Okay, the forging is what you'd expect for a race track, I didn't find any lumps or anything. Although I really liked playing the track, and the layout itself was pretty decent and cheat-proof, there were a few bits I didn't like. The main part was the first corner that went around and over itself. It's really tricky without the shield door. You might want to move one of the shield doors to that point to make the corner easier (I noticed you hit the OLN). Another slightly inconsiderate part was leaving the crypt hole open. But that's understandable because you ran out of objects. Overall though, this is a definite keeper. It's a surprisingly long racetrack (I guess that's partly due to the building the map on the main level), and it's impossible to not make the cheat-proof jump over the finish line, so this map's definitely a keeper. There's a really scary part with the gametype you supplied, just as you're going up the straight-away. As you go up the hill there's a very high chance of being lasered. Just making it over the crest of the hill and seeing a laser fly pver your head just barely missing you... aaah!! lol So this map's definitely a keeper for me. I recommend other people play before rating too, there's a lot you can't see from the pics.
Thanks Epic-It's apocalypse2695-I appreciate the long review. Just one question, what do you mean adding I shield door on the first corner? I'm not sure which one turn you mean. You mean the second turn? If so-yeah we had to spread the shield doors out evenly so only one could go there. I think that's what you mean. Thanks again
Apocalypse2695? Anyway I mean the second corner, sorry. You could take a shield door from the last corner and add it to the second corner, because if you fall off the last corner it'll take about 10 seconds to get back on the track, however if you fall off the second corner, you have to make your way under the track to get back on. You also lose your 'progress' when you fall off here, whereas a fall at the last corner does not matter as much as players have already got the destination.
Dude! you and apocalypse did a freaking insane job, this track is realy amazing, people are getting really good these dsys haha, keepp it up, : AnF
This is great, and just when I was starting to think all the good track makers had quit. 5/5 I really like your finish line on the concave slope with a convex landing, very original. Keep up the great forging.
Yeah, I see what you mean and you have a very good point, but I was too lazy at the time to fix the DL's and all that crap, I thought the second turn was fine, and if you happen to fall off there, then you must suck at driving ^.^
I've played this map and though it doesn't feature much for aestheitcal structures, the actual track is constructed of pure awesomeness. What's right: -The track is extremely smooth -The track has a great length (Not common with these racetracks) -The track makes use of the dunes. -The turns and banks are well-crafted and easy to drive with a mongoose. - Not- cheatable Criticism: -It's too bad that couldn't be some more asthetical features but I realize that you must have hit the OLN and the track quality is more important than asthetics. Good job, and a well-deserved 5/5!