Judgement Day Judgement Day >>>Salvation>>> As the sun sets, it is coming to the end of Judgement Day (5/06/2018). A team of 8 survivors takes salvage in an abandoned bunker made in the desert during WWIII, only 50 miles from the city Las Vegas that was once thought to be a paradise for humans, now known as Skynet, overridden by merciless machines that have no motives, they just kill! By now the machines have taken control of the whole northern hemisphere and the survivors are right in the middle, surrounded! With limited weapons, they will have to defend the bunker, hopeless as machines numbers grow at a very unethically high rate. They have but one hope; the survivors gather around the table, with their weapons laid down in front of them, they listen to the man on the radio, John Connor! "If you are listening to this, you are the resistance! I am John Connor, maybe your last and only hope!" As the team listened to John's instructions, they started to get ready for the journey to New New Mexico where the main human's resistance facility is held. But it’s too dangerous for them to travel by night, so they will need to take shelter in the bunker and keep watch for the machines in case they attack. The night dragged on as if it took an eternity, eventually they came. The team who called themselves 'The Red Cross' have to fight the machines to survive. The machines are weak but they are quick, they have plenty of ammo and they are big in numbers! The men longed for the morning to come but if they do survive, they still have a long way to go. Creator: Mattimator Map name: Judgement Day Gametype: Salvation Description: A fun infection map, 8 humans with limited weapons have to fight and survive for 10 minutes. The zombies (machines) have unlimited weapon, they are quick, weak and cause weaker damage than the humans. Teamwork is essential, for every human that gets infected, the chances of survival is decreased! Pics: Machines starting area No man's Land The Bunker and the cave entrance for Machines Underground tunnels (Don't get lost) The Red Cross Hall Entrance to the Bunker Inside the Bunker Inside the Bunker with view of weapons View of No man's Land from the Bunker The Red Crosses table. Comments: Thank you for reading, please rate here and on bungie, leave constructive comments, download and have fun! I will try and keep improving the gametype if there is anything wrong with it. What inspired your creation?Last Remnant by laxman, Saving Private Ryan, Terminator: Salvation and just want to make an awesome infection map on Sandbox Link: Judgement Day - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Salvation (ESSENTIAL) - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Nice table! I really like the geomerged base. lol the no mans land things look like the metal barriers from saving private ryan on the beach
This is a GREAT map! Very fun and original, Im playing it right now as we speak! The tunnel system is very cool and works great with the map. 9/10.
This map is great!! I had a blast playing this with my party,also great post for the map. For surely 5/5!!!
The aesthetics look amazing but if there Terminators shouldn't they be slow and strong not quick and weak.
this is my custom story, im just stealing ideas from movies and making a story line by making maps. there will be two more maps continuing from this one.
i think it would make sense since this is the early days of the war and so SkyNet's techno would be weak Looks great, well done with the geo-merged base I know thats not easy to do. The initial problems I could think of is the amount of weapons for the humans but al not critisize without dl. If good al use this is my Saturday Night Live custom this Saturday Check it out, 8/10 until I can check it out gameplay wise
Nice job man. You should make a sequal map where the Red Cross team is traveling to New Mexico, And them a final map in New Mexico.
Dude this is a beastly map the aesthetics are great, the story if good and I love the layout! I just can't say much about it because its Amazing! 5/5! keep up the good work!