Sandbox Shadows

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SK Aleks, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
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    Shadows [Necro successor]

    Shadows Map - : Halo 3 File Details
    Hide N Seek Game - : Halo 3 File Details

    *I updated Hide N Seek so please download it again.*

    In case you didn't see the update I made in the Necro thread I said I updated it and added more spots. This version now has two more rooms where you can hide in and I fixed the house to have a gravity lift. So when the juggernaut comes in you can use it to get out. I also added the pen and ink effect to make it more challenging to find the invisible people and to make it more dark looking. I made it to where it's impossible to friend jump outside the map, so no naughty jumping out ;). If you can jump out please send me the clip on how you got out.

    Necro 2.1

    Necro 2.0

    New hiding room (After)

    Hiding room (before)

    Gravity Lift


    Something cool I did

    New Hiding Spot

    #1 SK Aleks, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  2. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Basically this is a hide and seek game like the Ghostbusters map where you hid from the ghostbusters and they tried to bust (kill) you? The inside looks big, but where are all the tiny little hiding spots where you hide in? I only see lots of walls and ledges, maybe a few small corners. It does not look like you took up a lot of space making the map so it would be a quick game. Is that what you intended or did you just run out of money that you need to make objects?

    Some recommended changes would be adding a lot more hiding spots, little corners, and maybe even a small hide-out. It is nice that you update the map, but maybe try to work on it more when you have time. Overall good map, has potential: 3/5
  3. SK Aleks

    SK Aleks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I added some pallets where you can hide behind and since your invisible and there's a gloomy/pen and ink effect on the map it makes it hard to see invisible people so people can hide in the corners and such or on the ledges I added and there's rooms where you can hide in. I just wish people would download it and give it a try.

    I would also be greatly appreciated if you would tell me if you like the new tunnel system or not. So I know to delete Shadows or Shadows 1.0, Shadows 1.0 has the tunnel system.

    Shadow 1.0 (Updated with tunnel system)
    - : Halo 3 File Details
    Hide N Seek - : Halo 3 File Details

    Here is a video of the new version of Shadow that now has a tunnel that goes around the map with my commentary on it.

    YouTube - Shadows 1.0 Tour

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