Intro: Hello one and all I Fire Phoenix117 Created a few new maps for you guys. These maps are special for a certain gametype I created. It is called Plunder. Its like conquest but there are a alot of differences between the two. Like for example conquest is a one way deal plunder can up to two or three paths. Anyway I created 4 maps they are on Pre-DlC and Legendary map pack. Inspiration: Why I created this new territorial game because it is strategical and starts a new concept of idea to territories. I personnaly got bored one day and thought why not make something for territories. Here the ****ed up part when i went to matchmaking a few days ago I got suspended WTF right? Anyway I had an old account and started messing around in the old maps and got the idea. "make a strategical game that is similiar to conquest, but is more tactical. Not like some rush in and die thing. So created these four maps. Verizen, Sanctuary,Underground are one way maps, then there is Darkening it has up to 2 ways of fighting. What is Plunder: It is a new way of fighting a territories game. It is more strategical because you start out with and play with weapons that you could not be fimilair with. This territory game can work for any territory setting. Info On Plunder: Capturing a territory is 15 sec's not locked(flag rally) Sudden death (off) Respawn on capture (disabled) Poeple who defend the territory: Shields normal 100% Damage resistance Damage modifier 150% weapon pickup enabled 90% speed Gravity 200% Vechicle: Full use Sensors off Friendly fire disabled Poeple Who attack the territory: Shields normal 100% Damage resistance Damage modifier 125% weapon pickup enabled 90% speed Gravity 200% Vechicle: Full use Sensors off Friendly fire disabled Base player traits: Shields normal 100% Damage resistance Damage modifier 110% weapon pickup enabled 90% speed Gravity 200% Vechicle: Full use Sensors off Friendly fire disabled Other Info on game variant: 2 mins 3 rounds vechicles(not aloud on map) Sanctuary Sanctuary is a great map. It is a very fun and crazy map to play on. Everyone love this one especialy me. It is one of the biggest maps in theis map pack. Sanctuary is very tactical with the weapons and eqiupement you use on this map. Canvas: epitah Map Size: Small Player Count 4 Vs 4 Weapons: Ar Br Shotgun Smg Plasma rifle spikers Magnum Plasma grenades Spike grenades Eqiupement: Deployable cover BubbleShield Heres some pics.... I hope you enjoy this map and have fun with it. Oh and please dont sky dive bad idea on this map LOL! Verizen To all that dont know verizen is spelled wrong on purpose because everyone kept thinking wow Version Wireless OMG. Anyway Verizen is the smallest map in the entire map pack and one of the best maps to play. From poeples opinions that i played with they said "this is really fun just dont play with more than 6 poeple. I personnaly think this is a very messy map if you know what I mean. canvas- Guardian Mapsize-tiny player count 3 Vs 3 Weapons: Ar Br Shotgun Smg Plasma rifle spikers Magnum Plasma grenades Spike grenades Equipement: Bubbleshield Flare(spawn late) Gameplay pics.... Darkening Darkening is the biggest map out of the map pack. It is completely different than the other maps. There is more than one route but its a medium size map so you must think how your gonna play this one. I so far had no problems on this map. Only complaint was some of the spawns and it was fixed up quickly. I couldnt really get any game play shots so I got regular pics sorry no Explosions this time. Also the difference between this map and the others is the weapon selection.:squirrel_wtf: Map size - Medium canvas - blackout Player count 6 Vs 6 Weapons: Ar Br SMG Spiker Plasma rifle magnum gravity hammer sentinel beam shotgun plasma grenades spike grenades grenades Equipment: Deployable cover Pictures.... UnderGround UnderGround is an so-so map. It was ok in gameplay but only problem was spawns and I fixed it up. I personnaly think this one is better for looks. I really dont know, but Underground is fun and small nothing special there. Everyone loves that there is no spawn killing anymore like it did previously. Anyway I must say the good thing about this map its on ghost town and there is explosions in the center of this game. Map size - Small canvas - Ghost town Player count 4 Vs 4 Weapons: Ar Br SMG Spiker Plasma rifle magnum Brute shot plasma grenades spike grenades grenades Equipment: Deployable cover Time For pics.... Download Here Sanctuary Verizen Darkening UnderGround Download Here Plunder I hope everyone Enjoys these maps (If you got any questions on the game variant ask)
Good idea and the maps looks good, also nice for making maps that are not on sandbox or Foundry. Although i would stick to playing Conquest since in conquest, the make it have only one path because your team must work together with well...Teamwork, although with this gametype you can get separated and less teamwork will be required.
This is really nice like SilverShadow said. But it says its Pre-DLC, Blackout and Ghost Town are DLC. I like the obstacles you used on most of them but it stood out on Gaurdian the most I think. All the barrels and broken roadblocks add to the feel of Conquest type maps I think, if that makes any sense. Also as Silver said though I would stick with Conquest gametype.
I know what you mean but I'm trying to say is Conquest is different from Plunder Conquest doesn't change dramatically in gameplay at all. Its usually you win in numbers or rushing to the territory as fast as you can and hold it down. In plunder Everything changes Like you got to think what to do for example on Epitaph for instance you have to defend the flag right if the attackers come in you have the advantage because of the higher attack power because of defending the flag. So the attacker must find a way to get through the defenders and take the flag knowing he has less attack power you know what i mean. Another example would be Blockout it has more than one way to attack now the sistuation is different you must attack in groups from two sides. This why I created this gametype I think Strategical gameplay is better than rush in and die.
I find it very strange that we both have maps on Ghost Town called Underground that look very similar. Maybe we can set up my map for your gametype if you want. The maps definetly look impressive, as you did a great job of blocking them off and filling up the paths with cover. 4/5, which might change once I try the gametpye.
Wow thats wierd, why not try it out on your map it would probably be extremely fun =) Yeah sanctuary is one of the best maps of the map pack.