Pacman Now he's Pacin! Download the PacMan Map Download Pacman's Packin Gametyoe Download Pacman Classic Gametype Description: Basically It's the Classic Pacman Layout. It's different than the Pacman featured on and other sites. It's more accurate to the original, and the gametypes are different. GameType Descriptions Pacman's Packin: Basically just a Slayer for the map. Everyone starts off with Snipers and Lasers. The map just happened to be great for the Lasers. No it's not a common thing to expect on a pacman map, but it's LOTS of fun....IMO. Pacman Classic: The Gametype that plays like the arcade game. Basically the game starts with 4 zombies starting in the base. You (The Pacmen) have a shotgun, and the zombies have swords. You are powerless until you get a custom powerup. They make you invincible so you can kill the zombies. Otherwise, you're hopeless so you better find them custom powerups! Note: I hit the object limit for this map so putting a ceiling in is impossible for right now... Overview The Middle Base Thing Epic Killz with Lazers Download the PacMan Map Download Pacman's Packin Gametyoe Download Pacman Classic Gametype
I think you did a great job of recreating the layout, but I question the gametype. WTF is up with the spartan laser? What does that have to do with Pac-Man?
Its looks pretty fun. I dont really get osme of the stuff such as the pic saying "the middle base thing" with the laser, and if the zombies do have a laser that seems quite bad... The forging could use some work along with a description of the gametype and map.
Haha, this would be a awesome zombie map if it had roofing. Almost like this one map I DLed one time for Foundry, it had people drop down the middle and four different rooms in the maze. An the zombie had to run around half invis and get the slaves.
Firstly an explanation of the game types would be helpful. Secondly, this map is easily escapable, unless you have no grenades and increased gravity or something. A bit more merging would be good, since if you do have grenades they could easily be caught in the cracks. The map looks like a really good recreation. Accurate, plus the power ups are all placed very well. But again, without a game type explanation we have no idea what the customs do. So once you explain the game type I may download that. Also just for lols: LOL
I remember testing this with you. It's a lot of fun with the exception of leaving the map. ZOMBIES DO NOT HAVE LASERS. That is slayer. I'm assuming you have fixed the issue with gravity and grenades though. I don't think you did anything about everyone having shotguns though. Or everyone being the same color. Maybe add a bit more detail so we know. 3.5/5
Oh Sorry. I did fix all the things your talking about Youshiodo. And Ill put a Gametype explanation up.
yay, that's me getting lazered! The lazers gametype does play really well on this map. I do recommend to download, although the original pacman gametype could have been done better IMO.
Aw I wish I could've been there for the test. Of course I was stupid enough to leave my status to appear offline =/ Anyway the map looks like an excellent recreation and I can't wait to try some lasers on this with my friends 'cause it sounds like you guys had a blast with that. I'm guessing you got the problem with escaping the map fix'd. Also we can use the standard 1 flag and 1 bomb on this too? or did that not work too well?
Yeah i fixed the escaping problem. I set everyone's gravity either to 150% or just made sure they didn't spawn with grenades.