I burnt my legs decently bad about an hour ago, and I need an opinion on what type of burns they are and if I need "medical attention" or not. The pictures are in the spoilers, incase you don't want to look. It's not that bad, but I've never really been burned before. Seriously though, no shitty "lol wow, nice" answers. I really can't get in trouble considering my birthday is coming up, and my parents are very protective; but if I must I will. I am still feeling burning sensations, on a scale of one to ten(yes, seriously) I'd give it between a 5 and 6 1/2. (It's my legs, both of them, about a 20 second drop and roll + friends patting my legs, rubbing alchohol and some salt peter was what caused the flames) Spoiler Some of the cuts seem to be glossy in texture, I used rubbing alchohol to treat/clean them and then peroxide.
I'm no expert on burns, but it doesn't look like a serious burn, just spread over a decent area. Enjoy having the skin peel off.
I've been burned quite often and unfortunately that's nothing to worry about. It's just ugly. But from experience, you white people seem to think every little wound, injury and/or pain needs medical attention. Your fine.
It's also a chemical burn, which is why I'm worried. I seem to be light headed, but it could just be because I'm a little scared, to be completely honest.
Thanks guys, I guess. I ended up taking a 40 minute ride on my friend's pegs to the hospital, and since he's 18, problem solved. It ended up being infected and apparently they were 2nd degree burns. Requesting lock.