Why I am done forging.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ShaddoBlade, Jun 22, 2009.

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  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Right. So I decided to do a little write-up on my reasons for quitting forge.

    1. It's boring. Finishing a masterpiece is always exhilarating, but the rest of the time I have to force my self to do anything.

    2. Originality. Due to the fact that Halo 3 is almost two years old, there aren't many new ideas out there, and I don't want to keep making the same thing over and over and over again.

    3. The flaws of forging. There were several things to complain about when I first started forging, but none of them were really major. Now, after rising to the peak of my forging career, I notice all of the things that just seem to be there to make forging harder. All of which are most apparent on Sandbox, "The Forger's Paradise."

    a. The dunes. Why are they completely random like that? Wouldn't a gentle rise be better? Or at least keep them symmetrical. They make symmetical forging so hard. And I don't know how many times I see snipers run off into the dunes to get a height advantage. That's just bad gameplay. Foundry had the cranes that have the same effect (well, not with snipers).

    b. Glitchy original objects. In an age where interlocking has become a premier part in any map, we get objects that make interlocking harder than it needs to be. The other objects are even glitchy. At game start, sometimes objects will show up when you have them set to late-spawn, and sometimes they won't. The inconsistency is maddening. Foundry was better about this.

    c. Why isn't the crypt hole in the center of the main tier? Honestly, what's the point?

    d. With the exception of the skybubble, I dare you to find a flat/straight surface on Sanbox. The main tier has the tiniest amounts of sand and bumps all throughout it's floor, which won't cause a problem for most forgers, but for perfectionists like myself, it results in more hours of pointless forging. And then there's the crypt. Why aren't the floors and walls square? This was a problem on Foundry as well.

    e. Object movement after saving and quitting. This is the reason that pushed me over the edge. Everything is lined up perfectly, you save and quit, but when you start a new session, it isn't lined up anymore. I have some pictures that illustrate my point perfectly.

    (I have spent many hours on this specific part of my late map, may it rest in peace. I have tried many techniques, including forging in Local. I have used double walls, double blocks, and finally tried single walls, which make the shifts more obvious. I assure you that these pictures were not purposely made to look crooked. They were taken at the end of one forge session, and at the beginning of the next.)

    A double block spawns square, and facing the direction I wanted it, so I used it as a guide.

    Saved like this:

    Started like this:

    Saved like this (Double block deleted for a different view):

    Started like this:

    The last two were less obvious, so I added a line for reference.

    So there you have it. My reasons for quitting forge. It just seems that while Bungie has provided an excellent forging system, they also include flaws in the maps just so that no one can make maps that rival their own. Or, at least, that is the only reason I can think of.

    Good luck to everyone in their forging escapades. I wish you all only the best.

  2. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    Hey, its sad to see you quitting but you have your reasons. Are you quitting forgehub aswell as forging? Although you probably dont know me, im a fan of all your races with each one saved on my box, regularly used. Gl with whatever you do next
  3. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Why not just stick with Foundry?
  4. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I don't think I could ever just straight up quit, I know it's nice to vent a little but don't quit shaddo, your racetracks are the bomb. There are still many original things to do in forge, it's just the obvious ones have been taken. Look at the latest features and tell me they are not original in any way, you would be a liar. In conclusion, they're are so many problems and annoyances with forge, but not enough to make anyone give it up 100%, just keep forging.

    Foundry comes with it's own set of flaws.

    Edit: I am so looking forward to the day when we get a game with 3d limitless space and we design any thing we want effortlessly in a playable fashion, until then, we have halo.
    #4 Mischgasm, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I was a member here long before I started forging. I'll be here a while.

    Stick with foundry? I never started. Also, Foundry has the size problem.
  6. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Fewer things piss me off on Foundry than on Sandbox.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I lol'ed at that

    But seriously, I can see why you quit forging. When making racetracks, there seems to be no fun in making them. When making a competitive map there is. Your constantly think of new ideas and move on to something different. When building a racetrack, you think of one cool idea and then start forging for hours and hours.
  8. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Egp is right you should try a differant style of forging, maybe me and you could collab on a competitive map some time shaddo if it would keep you from quitting.
  9. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    thats why i hated to build my race tracks. i love making a new map and then having it tested, and then re-making it, and then reapeating form step two.
    #9 mavrick145, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  10. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    You'll be forging by the end of the week. I will then post the links to your forging sessions on your Bungie page in this thread. There is no way you are going to stop completely, you're just frustrated right now. I have seen some truly amazing creations come out of you and there is no reason to quit now. The whole idea behind what we do here a FH is in exploiting the games new found possibilities as well as understanding the system's limitations. The fact that double walls don't line up after you save is something has been addressed by Bungie:

    Just avoid working with walls in this way whenever possible.

    The main point I would like to address is the "it's all been done" statement about the original creative potential for new maps. We are still in the infancy of Sandbox. Just think of the maps that were coming out after only a couple months of Foundry's release. There were some good ones, but the vast majority of the quality maps didn't come out until much later. I see maps almost daily that really impress me, and I think the creative quality is on it's way up.

    You have forger's block. You'll push through.
  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    This I agree with, I find it hard to finish most projects I start. However, the end result is good, and the feeling of people appreciating your work makes me do it.

    In my opinion, Sandbox opened an entirely new can of possibilites. What I am doing now could never be achieved in Foundry. Since we have a wider pallet of objects, we don't have to waste multiple ones creating a single aesthetic like we did in Foundry. Now maps can be much larger and more intricate, and thats only a single example.

    I'll get into this later.

    I love the dunes. I can see how they are bad for competative gameplay, but thanks tot he aesymetric dunes I am able to create something never before possible.

    This is because they are OLN objects. This was a programming mistake, but it has its benefits as well, allowing more items to be placed. Really, it's not that big of a deal.

    Because putting it off to the side would be assymetric, and there needs to be a way into the crypt besides another teleporter which would add confusion?

    Because Bungie needs to please the non forgers, who want pretty looking surfaces. Again, I really don't care too much, I've gotten past this.

    This is a flaw with Forge that Bungie cannot fix, nor have predicted. Since Pre-DLC maps did not have the immovable objects like current maps do (not counting nodes, etc.) they could not spot this problem before ship. Now that it is shipped, they cannot fix the problem without making every single map forged thus far incompatible with the game. They explained this in one of their updates.

    Congrats, you're a premium, a member people look up to, but you whine like a ***** and suggest that Bungie is trying to keep forgers down. Keep your pouting in the corner of your room, where it belongs. Cheers.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    (And now to add to what sweeny said) and then you think of what forge was supposed to be and your like, holy crap, we are lucky bungie made it into a map creator with maps and immovable objects or else most of our ideas would have been impossible.
    #12 DimmestBread, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  13. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    I understand why you would want to quit Forge. My guitar instructor had a talk about it.

    When all of you first started Forge, (or other mapmakers, for that matter) it looked like it had so many possibilities. You were probably unskilled at it and with Forge, you could learn how to become better skilled. You finally had the right tools to make your own map. I'm guessing that Shaddo Blade's skills might have surpassed those of Forge. What I mean is that the tools of Forge might not be good enough to unleash Shaddo's creativity.

    Now if your quitting because you don't really like to make maps, then that's just that's what you fell like. :)

    I might be wrong but whatev
    #13 MousseMooseROCKS, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  14. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I forge sometimes, but only to mess around. I will only make a map if I come up with an idea that I think is needed to be done. Guess what. I haven't had one yet. That's why I stopped forging. I'll forge when ODST comes out possibly. Just to create a memorial.

    Anyway so I feel kinda sorry about sandbox. This was supposed to be our map. Honestly I'm looking more forward towards getting Longshore. Maybe we can all go to a Pre-DLC style of game on that. It would be fun.
  15. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I really don't see why you are so offended by my post. I'm sorry you feel that way.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It's not offense, it is disappointment. I saw the forge title, and I was taken aback when I saw that it was written by a premium member. But regardless of who posted it, I responded the same I would to anyone. You're pouting. There is almost no reason for this thread to even be made short of you venting your own personal frustrations as if the rest of us give a ****.
  17. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Well, it's because he's a complete asshole. Just views his posts and you'll see the one in this thread isn't the only one that disgraces others.

    Anyways, I do appreciate the maps you've created, and I see why you have problems with the Forging system being a perfectionist. I hope you find another way to express your creativity, you've always seemed to impress everyone here. =)
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    On the originality...most people just don't have a good sense of creativity, TBH. I can think of at least 5 ways off the top of my head that will change the way that the game is played on the map, which includes different ways to play the map or new gametypes. Just take your time...seriously...
  19. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I didn't really see this thread as pouting, as I saw it as a more of a topic of conversation. We are having a conversation, aren't we? If it was full of bull crap, it should have been locked. Shaddoblade, I really think you shouldn't quit forging, creating racetracks really burned you out. You still have so many more categories to look into. Think of a fun mini game and create it. Making the gametype for a mini game and creating the map is a whole lot more fun than following race track rules and not even creating your own gametype. That is why I havn't started making a racetrack; I am not patient enough. @ xX5w33ny70ddXx, I really do not see this thread as a pouting thread, I see it more as a premium excellent forger announcing that he is no longer forging maps and a little topic of conversation to discuss.

  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Right, EGP, because that's how you open a topic for discussion. Face it, it's an "announcement" to put things lightly. If this was a discussion, he should have ended with:

    This is why I'm quitting forge... blah blah blah... If you still forge, do you find yourself running into the same problems I am?

    But no, that's not what he said. He said that "Bungie has included flaws so that no one can rival their own maps", followed up by a good hearted "good luck" to the rest of us. You know what, maybe this isn't a pouting thread as much as it is a pity thread? A premium member who announces that he is no longer making maps, under the guise that he just wants to let his fans know, but in reality he wants to see how many people care. Oh I can go on all day about how this isn't a discussion, but I won't. The fact of the matter is he has his problems, and children of rape have their problems as well. Excuse me if I don't see how justifying one's personal issues is really a discussion, or how it is of any use to anyone else. We have blogs for a reason you know.

    Now, does anyone else want some cheese with their whine? How about some Limburger, or perhaps some Weisslacker?
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