Help me build a bowl.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shovelspoon, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    If there's anyone out there who can help me build my Twisted Metal[Name tentative] map, PLEASE pm me or respond here. The basic idea of my map is a large square 'bowl' kind of thing, with a hole in the middle to fall into, a flat border along the top/outside of the bowl. I'm going to add shield walls, kill balls, mancannons, stuff like that later on. I just need help getting the angles right, because I want it to be steeper near the top, but still driveable for a mongoose. Also having a huge issue with corners. I tried this on another map, but the corners were choppy and just all-around sloppy, and the map just wasn't what I wanted it to be, so I restarted it. The gametype to go along with it [if anyone's interested] will be a VIP variant where it's teams of 2, the non-VIP is useless, whereas the VIP gets brute shot, rockets, and frag/plasma nades. Both are nearly unkillable, and need to be blasted off the edge/into the middle hole. Thanks for reading, someone please HALP! My gamertag is Shovelspoon. Add me or send me a msg if u can help.
  2. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Wait, by Twisted Metal do you mean the classic PS1 game where you'd drive Cars suped up with Big Ass Guns, giving you the greatest experience you could ever ****ing imagine.

    I'd help if it is.
  3. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    Oh, yes, yes it is. VIP is passenger only, can pick up plasma nades [which spawn where the team spawns, so, auto-pickup], and starts with brute shot, rocket launcher, and frags. So the non-VIP is the driver, and the VIP is your collection of Big Ass Guns.
  4. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    This sounds awsome, I'll help you make this. Send me a fr on xbl and we'll forge it sometime.
  5. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    I would love to help, add me on xbl. btw i had the same idea before =D
  6. mavrick145

    mavrick145 Ancient
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    this is a good idea! i was working on an idea similar to this but there was a whole city (like in all of the twisted metal games) that you'd drive around in. only worrying about jump and spawn placements would make this and easy to make map if you're interested.
  7. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    Here's the map so far. If you want to help, and you have some idea as to how we could make a 2nd, steeper level, add me to ur f list. I won't be able to play tonight, but I'll be on wednesday, thursday, friday night. Check it out so far. BTW the ring around the bowl is to see if I could start making the 2nd level. Dunno if it's gonna work, but whatever. : Halo 3 File Details

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