Sandbox Crucible

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JC4DEF, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. JC4DEF

    JC4DEF Ancient
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    Crucible, a map utilizing both the crypt and skybubble of sandbox, is a map utilizing lifts and teleporters to move the player to places of the map for huge advantages. The crypt area utilizes tube pieces to create a maze effect off the start. From the start the player has the choice to go for the center stage, the sniper lift or the skybubble teleporter. If the player choses the center stage they will be rewarded with a spartan laser and possibly plasma pistol which they will have to take the center stage man cannons to reach. If they choose sniper lift the will first be greeted with a needler and then a grav lift which brings the player to the second level of the crypt and a sniper rifle, they can then proceed to get the plasma pistol or go to sniper tower. If the player chooses skybubble they are greeted with a courtyard area containing battle rifles, maulers, regenarators, and a brute shot and rockets. Beware though for there are traps that will send you plummeting to the floor below

    Battle Rifle 8X
    Sniper Rifle 4X
    Assault Rifle 2X
    Mauler 4X
    Brute Shot 1X
    Rocket Launcher 1X
    Spartan Laser 1X
    Shotgun 2X
    SMG 4X
    Plasma Pistol 2X
    Magnum 4X
    Needler 2X
    Camo 1X
    Overshield 1X
    Regenarator 2X
    Power Drain 1X
    Plasma Grenade 6X
    Frag Grenade 8X

    Now for Pictures

    Blue side overview

    Red side overview

    Center Stage

    Bottom section of sniper lift

    Top section of sniper lift

    Sniper tower (red)

    Sniper tower (blue)

    Sniper tower side view (blue)

    Sniper tower side view (red)

    Sniper towers in use

    Skybubble overview (red)

    Skybubble overview (blue)

    BR hallway (skybubble)


    Courtyard traps

    Download Crucible Here
    #1 JC4DEF, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Seperately the bases look simple but as they are combined.. looks pretty solid and the forging looks good. Although I don't like the toppled columns.. Your weapons list is too excessive, 2 grav hammers, 2 rockets and 2 spartan lasers? I think it needs toning down quite a big.

    If your testing it soon, just give me a shout.
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    10 br's is a bad thing, if you want that many, just set it to br starts. the map looks solid tho and thats what counts. gameplay also looks good but i dont know if the effects help or ruin the map because some of the pics are hard to see with them.
    ill have to download and check this one out.
  4. JC4DEF

    JC4DEF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok guys thanks for the input i will be removing 2 BRs making a total of eight and will be removing both hammers and one rocket launcher and one spartan laser.
    By the way is 4 snipes to many??? any suggestions on that like clips.
    O and if any one can help me with spawn times for shotguns, lasers, snipers, and rockets please do
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    four snipers with 1 clip and 90 sec spawn might be ok seeing as how you map is laid out.
    shotguns should be 90 sec aswell but 0 spare clips.
  6. JC4DEF

    JC4DEF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok thank you alot i changed a lot of the weapon spawns and added some more stuff to make it flow better.

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