Alright folks, so last night while I was eating dinner, I was somehow inspired by the pasta I was eating to make a few new gametypes that have never been seen before. So without further ado or culinary creativity, I present: Shooting Stars: Basic Variant: VIP The general concept behind this gametype is a one-sided VIP game. However, things get a little weird in outer space. So, the VIP has a speed of 300% and 100% gravity. The VIP will have an influence ring of Idunno radius. When in this ring, friendly players will get the same movement traits as the VIP. Otherwise, they will have only 200% movement speed and 150-200% gravity (I'm not sure of this yet). All of the Stars (VIP and all players but 2) Will be equipped with Brute Shots. They will either have 3x or 2x Overshields and the VIP will have 4x Overshields, but neither the Stars nor the VIP will have shield regeneration (possibly, they could actually have shield decay and vampirism at the same time). All Stars will have 100% Damage Resistance while the VIP will have 90% Damage Resistance. All of the Stars will also be Forced Color: White. The two players who are not on the Stars team will be Black Holes. When they spawn, they will be forced to pick up a custom powerup that will grant them Invulnerability, ability to use vehicles, Forced Color: Black, and a Sentinal Beam and BR. They will also be given a Mongoose from the start. The Black Holes must chase the Stars and the VIP, with the ultimate goal of a VIP kill. The only way to kill the Black Holes is for the Stars to use their Brute Shots to force the Black Holes into one of four Kill Balls placed on the map. The strategy for the Stars will be to make group attacks against the Black Holes in an attempt to force them into the Kill Balls. The Black Holes will have to drive and shoot the Stars with the Sentinel Beam until their shields are down, then move in to kill them with the BR (still have to figure out if this is possible or if this needs to be an honor rule, or just have the Sentinel Beam and not have a BR). This gametype is design to be played on any tower-blocked variant of Sandbox, and I will be making my own custom Sandbox variant for it when I have time to work on it. Arms Race: Basic Variant: Territories Alright, so here we have 4 parallel and aligned paths arranged either next to each other horizontally or in a V-shaped fashion. This will allow people from each path to shoot the players on the other paths. The paths will be totally linear and will be encompassed by an undetermined number of territories that will be spread evenly along the paths. The territories will have somewhat long capture times and will be spread apart evenly, and will also lock once captured. Players will have to reach each successive territory and hold it while killing players from each of the other teams who are reaching the territory in their own path. The damage and shielding settings probably wont be too dramatically changed from default, but the starting weapon will be a BR. One sniper or custom powerup will be placed in each path on long or never respawn times, with the custom powerup granting the person who picked it up a sniper while weakening that player. Their will be columns and rails on each of the paths for use as cover, as well as a roof on each path. The map will be built in the Skybubble. So, if anyone has any thoughts/suggestions/ideas, please post them here.
these are all pretty good ideas, i don't have a priticuler favorite. i do know what kind of maps i could put them on