Am I the only one excited about this game? Crackdown 1 was fun but it didn't have what I want - more players to play with. This looks like it has 4 player Co-op and I heard of 16 player competitive. And now I'm wondering about a release date? And if anybody has any info post it here.
Damn you...I thought there was information about Crackdown 2 in this thread. Grr... But yeah, the first one was incredible, and I can only hope the second is just as good, if not better.
The only reason that game exists is because of the Halo 3 beta lol. That game was pretty stupid if you ask me.
I thought having all those abilities in a sandbox game were great, they just need to improve the enemies because all they did was stand and shoot. Co-Op makes the game great too.
I'm sorry, but I have a strange feeling about Ruffian. I'm more excited for APB anyways, so i may RENT Crackdown 2 at the most, but APB is a definite buy.
Wow, i hate it when people say that. Yeah, the game probably sold really well considering there are some morons out there that are willing to buy a 60 dollar game just for a Halo 3 beta, but when it comes down to the game, i think it was really good. It had very fun gunplay, a great level up system, and pretty smooth technology to back it up. It has a lot of potential. If you did some research, you would find out that the group at Ruffian that is developing the sequel is actually made up of old members of RTW. I'm pretty sure they were mad that RTW wasn't ready for a Crackdown sequel, due to their development of APB (which look awesome), so they decided to make there own company (i'm pretty sure Ruffian is brand new), and make the sequel. Ironically, RTW is now losing developers, because some of there current members are moving over to Ruffian, to aid the development of Crackdown 2. The two companies are basically a rivalry now, due to their placement of just 5 or so miles apart. Oh, and i personally cannot wait for Crackdown 2
I gotta say, the only reason Crackdown was put on my radar was because of the beta. Though I got a code through 13 hour thing they did. After that, I tried out the demo to see if it would be "Halo 3 Beta with Crackdown" or "Crackdown with Halo 3 Beta." I was surprised when it was the latter. I bought it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for two.
No ****! It's common knowledge that if another developer is going to create a sequel to a game, they almost always have history with the previous developer. I said I had strange feelings for Ruffian because usually whenever a developing company splits, and the newer formed company continues a game by creating a sequel, they'll try to outdo the first company by implementing new features that will generally change the game for the worst. It's happened before.
I agree. Apparently on the website, Crackdown 2, "if it's ever produced" according to them, you are going to be able to join the enemy, customize upgrades, enter more building, customize armour, get even more upgrades, and call in support from the Gangs/Agency from depending your side. In otherwords you could do stuff like Double Agent, with how much either side relies on you. 100% more vehicles and 50% moar wepins lulz. Basically, by Crackdown 2, they mean Crackdown 1000%.