The slow motion was a little overused, but he obviously knows how to use it, all the shakes were in sync with the music. I personally liked the double bass shaking at the end. How about you not put people down and maybe tell them what they can improve on? Moron. Nice playing Prophet, keep it up.
Love ATR. You got some decent clips, you just need to broaden your horizons with the editing. It seems repetitive. But its looking good. Keep it up and keep using good songs
I liked it also There was one part where the shaking went for like 12 seconds and that was alot, but other then that i liked it.. I would however, like to see more one shot sniper kills
Before I watched it, I was listening to This Calling by ATR. When I pressed play, I was listening to MORE ATR! Whoa...
I thought it was pretty good. You had some nice gameplay and good exterminations. I agree that the slow-mo was a little overused at the end of clips, but it wasn't too bad. Personally, I would have lowered the intensity of the shaking at 2:30 a bit so it would be easier to see the gameplay, but it wasn't terrible. Gameplay: 8.5/10 Editing: 7/10 Music/Syncing: 8/10 Overall: 8/10
shakeing the screen did not help much at all, it actully made it quite anoyying. same goes for slo-mo
shakeing the screen did not help much at all, it actully made it quite anoyying. same goes for slo-mo it was for music sync!! Thankyou everybody for the comments
I agree with the shaking, although I'm sure you don't want to only hear about that. When picking the music try to keep it at a song that a large majority of players would enjoy. I found the song to be not unique and have the same gritty feel as most other montages. The clips were ok, but I see that a lot of them were not very good players and didn't move much or even know what they were doing most of the time (guest). Try to stay away from clips like that, typically go for more Ranked playlist. Also try to incorporate more multi-kills, only saw one killtrocity in the entire montage. Overall, it was ok. 6/10
lawl. You don't need constant seizures to sync to audio. How bout using the natural flow and audio of the game play to piece the clips into the song. Don't put them in random order, try to work them to fit in the music. You also NEED transitions and to cut out the parts where you stand still. Not tryin to be an ass, just trying to help you out. Also, plaese don't slowmo for 2-pieces with the sniper or missed headshots *cough cough* Guardian Killtrocity
really nice video, the one thing that bothered me was the 12 second shaking near the end.. it made it hard to see that gameplay. other than that, great song choice, and nice exterminations P.S. you have really bad reload ADHD. lol