Sandbox Burning Rubber

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by AgileDan92, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    Here it is: the second installment in my series of obstacle course maps. Here's the rundown if you haven't played my other map like this: Sky Race

    Basically, you start on a platform with two mongooses and three teleporters. Don't let the teleporters concern you at the moment. Those are currently blocked and won't open until you reach the checkpoints, but more on that later. You must get on one of these mongooses and navigate the various obstacles before you and ultimately reach the oddball at the end of the course to win. Every time you die, you will respawn on this platform, and yes; every obstacle can kill you. You're in the sky bubble my friends, and falling isn't very fun.

    And one quick note, all the gaps and objects that aren't necessarily straight are like that for a reason. Please don't pick apart the aesthetics, as everything is positioned to make it as hard as possible (within reason of course. WAAAY too hard = no fun).

    I would also like to note that all obstacles are possible. My buddies and I have done them all a bunch of times.

    Download the Map Here

    Download the Variant Here!

    Here's an overview of the course:

    We start out with a simple looking obstacle: the shield corridor. It's not at all difficult to get through the corridor. What you have to watch out for is being shot off the ledge on the other side. This picture is looking back through the shield corridor toward the starting platform.


    Once you make it past the first obstacle, you must jump from this platform onto an upside-down tin cup. After that, you must use your catlike reflexes to navigate the collpsed collums obstacle. I hope you have a good sense of balance.


    If you've made it to this platform, you may think you've earned a breather. Not just yet. Welcome to the shield reverse jump. It is really as simple as it sounds.


    Once you've made it past this, simply drive down the ramp to the first checkpoint. (Yes. I HAVE fallen off this ramp. It isn't fun, and you look like idiot.)
    Anyways, I tried a new idea for the checkpoints this time. In my last map, the teleporters were blocked by fusion coils that never respawned. While it worked in theory, all you had to do was jump while entering the teleporter and you made it through. In this new map, the teleporters are blocked by broken columns that never respawn. The only way to move these bad boys is to use the grav lift that is placed at each checkpoint.
    Now I know what you guys are thinking, but no. You cannot use the grav lifts to break the map. In fact, if you try, it usually makes the obstacles harder and you almost always die. So please, for both of our sakes, try to play fair.

    The First checkpoint:


    Remember on ninja warrior when they made the warped wall taller, meaner, harder, and painted flames on it? This obstacle is like that.


    Once you make it past the Warped Wall V2, you must traverse the man cannon slope. The man cannons WILL throw you to your death. Do try and avoid them. Immediately after that is another obstacle that returns bigger and badder from my previous map: The Broken Bridge. Make it past these, and you will be rewarded with another checkpoint.


    The first obstacle after this checkpoint is the wall jump. Despite how easy it appears, this little bugger is actually REALLY difficult. I suppose this has to do with how small the platform is that you land on. (You'll see that in the pic of the next obstacle.)


    Once you land the wall jump, you are faced with the fusion coild maze. Not only is it trick to navigate in itself, but fusion coils constantly rain down upon you. There is a small, and i MEAN small, chance of the fusion coils blowing you to the other end of the obstacle, and if you can manage that, then props to you, but most likely, you'll just be outright killed.


    Now we've reached the second Ninja Warrior themed obstacle, the Jumping Spider. Now, it's not all that hard, but it functions the same way as the Ninja Warrior one does, and it's freaking awesome.


    Here's the final obstacle before your last checkpoint: The Back Nine. It's a helix of nine golf holes, and you must "putt" your mongoose over each one. The tube piece is one of those "bonus holes" that takes your ball away forever. (By the way, the mongoose "situation" in the picture has been resolved.)


    After the checkpoint, you drive along a spindly little bridge thingy, which is really just the calm before the storm. You are put into a false sense of security until you arrive at the Kill Ball Jump. It's kind of self-explanatory really. (It's impossible to hit the platform from the ramp. You MUST bounce of of the shield door).


    Here's the last obstacle, which is really a gauntlet of smaller obstacles. There's the scaffolding jump, then you must transfer to the tunnel. After that, you must navigate a room swamped with golf balls, then avoid all of the kill balls to reach your destination. (BTW, I know the first kill ball can't hurt you. It's there to blind noobs who go through too fast so that they hit the second kill ball.)


    Articonecro on his "favorite" obstacle: the Broken Bridge. FAIL! *snicker snicker*


    Articonecro showing me what he though of my last comment:


    This map has been brought to you by:

    AgileDan92 a.k.a Liquid Awesome

    Xifos Nychta a.k.a. Night Sword

    Articonecro a.k.a. Midget Warrior

    EgelTalon42 a.k.a. J - Dawg

    Thanks again to everyone that helped with the mapmaking process. I'd like to thank Xifos Nychta, Articonecro and Egeltalon42 once more for helping test and come up with original ideas. And thanks to everyone that played the first map.

    Keep an eye out for the ghost obstacle course I'm working on.

    Download the Map Here

    Download the Variant Here!

    #1 AgileDan92, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I have to get this out.

    Why is it that when someone makes an obstacle map such as this, they feel like forging something nice to look at doesn't matter anymore? Nearly every map of this style looks horrid, with a few exceptions. I just makes me so mad. Same with aesthetic maps, people almost never interlock much when making a scarab or something. You can still see the shape, but interlocking helps. Same idea here.

    Anyway, yours isn't the WORST I've seen, so props to you for that at least. Game play > Looks for sure, but I had to get that out. Sorry.
  3. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    There isn't that much interlocking because 1.0 There doesn't really NEED to be interlocking. Ask anyone that plays a lot of jump maps that one. 2.) I interlocked only where it was necessary for gameplay, like the man cannon ramp for instance. (Articonecro made the checkpoints, so no, I didn't interlock those.)
    3.) Why does a map NEED EVERYTHING to be interlocked to be considered good any more? If you havent noticed, a lot of my objects aren't even touching. I can see why there should be interlocking in maps for slayer gametypes and such, but I don't think it is necessary here.

    Also, If you are going to post, please post some constructive criticism, because not only is "needs more interlocking" horribly irrelevant, but it is also too vague and doesn't tell me WHERE to use interlocking. If you're going to complain about it, give some examples of fixing the problem at least.

    I have no problem with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Just don't insult me and assume that I don't care how my maps look. It's not like I just randomy throw things together for God's sake. You told me the gameplay is better than the looks, but if the looks are horrible, then the gameplay must be anywhere from horrible +1 to fantastic, so that tells me nothing.

    I don't think any of you would really like it if I went to your maps, said your interlocking sucked, and mentioned absolutely nothing about the rest of your map.

    I'm sorry. I had to get THAT out.
    #3 AgileDan92, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  4. JC4DEF

    JC4DEF Ancient
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    ok well the guy is right about interlocking the floors should definentily be interlocked since it is a racing style map and will take out all bumps so that people dont shoot straight up in the air. Secondly I think you should interlock the "back nine" section of your map to allow smooth transitions and to make your map look nicer. Overall a very good concept but sorry to say but Kronos is right if you interlook it makes the gameplay alot better and looks a lot cleaner. There are parts that need it and parts that dont. The minimum that should be merged on this map is everything that u drive on including floors, ramps, and lifts/cannonmans.
    O and P.S. when u merge make it look really good not like your fourth picture, if u look at it you can tell that its not even.

    BTW no offense with any of this
    #4 JC4DEF, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  5. Articonecro

    Articonecro Ancient
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    You guys don't seem to understand that it is an obstacle course. merging it to make it smoother to drive on defeats the purpose. The back nine, and most others are not supposed to have smooth transitions, because smooth transitions would make it WAAAY to easy.

    Okaaayyyyyyy.... where to start.... Well your map needs interlocking, and that one platform needs straightening. Lol. OK, so the map is fantastic. I love the fusion coil maze, but the broken bridge is so annoying. I can never pass it. The fusion coil maze is an amazing design, where did you ever get that awesome idea....? lol. Dude i loved working with you and the guys on this map, and i hope to help on the ghost map too. This map gets a 10/10. The midget warrior has spoken!
  6. JC4DEF

    JC4DEF Ancient
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    ok i dled it to see and right off the bat there was a problem u spawn on the ground and not in the skybubble so if playing a custom u cant even get on to the map at all so i would suggest u fix that i will review it after i play it again to see if any of my assumptions were wrong.
  7. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I fixed the spawning issue. Thanks for the heads up on that BTW. You should spawn on the starting platform every time now.
  8. JC4DEF

    JC4DEF Ancient
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    cool cool and the map is actually very fun though extremely difficult though some merging would be nice overall a good map 4/5
  9. Articonecro

    Articonecro Ancient
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    I finally beat it! Now Xifos can't laugh at me any more. Anyways, the point of this post is: after finally playing through the entire thing, the only problem I have with the gameplay is the jump where you go over a single wall. The platform on the other side seems too small, and it's practically luck if you survive or not. Making it a bit bigger will still keep it a hard obstacle, but make it easier to complete once you get the hang of it.

    BTW the jumping spider is easy, but it's suck an awesome idea.

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