Sandbox Extremity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by AnF Knight, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    By: AnF Knight



    Another Overview

    Tunnel Entrance

    In the tunnel

    Tunnel Exit

    Big Dip

    Bank Down to underpass

    U turn to another underpass

    Underpass to Overbank


    Downward Direction Change

    Colossal Overbank

    Amazing Transition

    Cheat Proof Destination

    Down Straight

    Starting Area

    Another Overview
    Last Overview

    Extremity is AnF Knight's newest creation. The track consists of several overbanks, a tunnel, 2 underpasses, and much more. All together the track was in progress for about 3 months and around 100 hours of work went in to it. It all started the day after Paramount was finished and it was all finished on June 21st, 2009. As the description reads:The colossal banks and superb, rapid rate of speed create a wild intertwined mess of insanity. Im sure you wont pass up a spin around this track. Please leave some feedback and please download. Thanks hope you like it.

    #1 AnF Knight, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    This track is cool and all of the curves and turns looks very smooth. Although i would think that the pictures are a little bit too small. Other then that little problem this looks really nice, keep forgin man.
  3. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Yo this map is sick knight. With all the twisting turns and smoothness of the track provides a great ride and feel to the map. I love the tunnels and also love the fact that you drive on the tunnel also which is sick. I'm honestly gonna give the map a 5/5. Great job!!

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    love the map and it looks very very forged, the pictures are a little tough to see the detail though because they are so small. You should use it has everybody's recent screen shots there and the pictures are HUGE, thats what I use on my posts. :) It also saves you from having to upload the pics to photobucket or some other file sharing site.
  5. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    Finally you finished it, after about a 1 month delay and a 5 month anticipation I'm really glad how it turned out. The turns are really smooth and the fact that it intertwines so much really blows me away. The tunnel is lietally breathtaking, by far my favorite part! However, a few of the dips are slightly bumpy and maybe are brought up too fast, but nothing big. Well this truly is a masterpeice and I have never seen such a large improvement from one map to another, other then you, so gratz on that :) 4.8/5

    PS: You should've waited to post it because I found an easy cheat in the first couple minutes but oh well, good job!
  6. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    1. I fixed the cheat so that is gone and the final version is the one on here.
    2. I have fixed the pictures sorry about that my bad I messed it up

    On a better note thanks everybody and with many people asking me "are you going to stop making racetracks like everyone else" my proud answer to that question is no. I will still be hard at work while all the children are long in bed on a foggy christmas eve.
    #6 AnF Knight, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009

    KNEE TO FACE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    LOL, nice...i DLed and tried out and I think you did an excellent job...I love the track and the aesthetics of it...keep up the good work! 10/10
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Hey, I like the track. It's quite smooth and very beautiful. It has a nice feel to it. I like how it winds and twists around itself, but not to the extent that you are constantly turning. I was slightly let down that you never reach full speed, but that's something that I will have to deal with. I thought that a couple of shield doors could have been tweaked, but everything else was perfect.
  9. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Why cant you get up to full speed I can? I mean in a few spots but not all over the place. Anyways just thought I would touch on that.
  10. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Most of the track is smooth, though the part of the racetrack that connects to the mongeese spawn seems somewhat sloppier then the rest of the track. I'm assuming this is because that was the area that you began forging from. If so, it still won't heighten my opinion of the map. This should have been fixed up before you posted it. Therefore, I will give you a plausible, but not optimal 4.5 out of 5.
  11. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Really insane map, dude , the cureves are awesome, everything looks good, and it rides smooth :DD great map

  12. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Im sorry but no. There is no way I could have done it any better than this. There is no problem what so ever with what I did. I was having problems with the object limit and all the other stuff. It dosent even look bad. It is smooth and fast no bumps. I appreciate your constructive comment but there is no way to do it better trust me I tried making that part 12 times.
  13. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I really like this map. I downloaded it and played it last night- what I liked was how the map is so tightly wound into itself, it's like a rollercoster. While it makes some corners difficult at high speed (my only criticism), the overall look and feel of the map is great! While the filters do make it a bit harder on the eyes, it does make the map look much cooler than it would without them.

    Therefore you have earned yourself a 5/5 from me.
  14. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    aww this brings back the good memories of when I first got BlackHeart out..... lol

    I've raced this track with like 5 friends and I absolutly love this track.... It is so compact and it goes through itself multiple times and is super smooth and alot of fun to race on and quite competitive. I love how you made it so you go through the tunnel and then you ride on top of it to the destination that part is definetly unique (since people always complain maps aren't unique).... My onle problem was that I think everyone (including me) fell off this track.... the main reason for that was becuase when you are going over some of the banks you can't tell which way you are going to turn and therefore you fly off the track... a Great track and definetly a keeper 9.9/10
  15. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Thanks man that makes me feel good! I put a lot of work into this and to have someone say something like that just makes me feel like I really accomplished something.
  16. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    Wow, I'm really liking the looks of this race track. It has such good interlocking & smoothness to it, making it much more race able. All the twists and turns look very well executed. The lighting of the map & the red & blue lights look very neat. Good job keep up the good work, can't wait to see more from you. 4.7/5.0
  17. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    OMG, dude i hate the fact that many people have become experts at making mongoose tracks. I used to make mongoose tracks, which I considered good. Then i began looking at some other mongoose tracks at this page and realized that there were so many cool mongoose tracks 100 times better than mines. After all those maps i saw i decided to leave the mongoose tracks for pro forger, like you =p.

    Anyways, awsome map. No doubt this is a 5/5.
  18. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    I apologize if my previous post offended you, but smothering yourself in arrogance and claiming that everything that you've done was faultless is a disgraceful effort to comfort oneself. I know you want to amaze others, and I know you want to be thanked for your creations. Yet you decide to present your creation to the public anyways, knowing that you could have done it better.

    ... Seriously, how many people will appreciate that? -.-
  19. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Nice curves. No ****. But it does look like you overdid it a little bit. Mongooses don't gain that much speed to drive completley vertical. I like the lighting you added to the map just try to give it a bit more space.
  20. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    I actually kinda like the vertical drives; it's what makes this map different than the rest. You won't have this kind of slick transitioning from steep declines to steep inclines anywhere else (or as far as Halo 3 racetracks go). The speed tends not to vary much depending on whether you are travelling up or down. Besides, the variation you get just makes the ride more interesting.

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