Sandbox Jerusalem V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Esorath, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Jerusalem V2

    Alright, It is finally here. The second version of my original Jerusalem map.

    This enhanced version has many differences but still contains the aesthetic feel of the original.
    Here is a list of the fixes from the original.

    • Spawn system has been fixed. All of the spawn points have actually been placed in an organized manner and set the corresponding sides.
    • The weapon and vehicle spawning has been fixed to balance out gameplay.
    • Some building changes due to me having more items and some weapon changes.
    • Bases are more symmetrical to enhance symmetrical game types such as multi flag and team slayer games.
    • Streets have been slightly widened to add to vehicle combat.
    • Banshee has been replaced with transport hornet and the missal pod has been removed.
    This map has been made for King of the Hill, Slayer/Team Slayer, CTF, and Assault game types. Works very well with snipers and swat variants.

    Weapon, Vehicle, and Equipment list.

    Name / Respawn Time / Extra Clips
    Battle Rifle x7 / 30 / 2
    Carbine x2 / 10 / 2
    Rockets x2 / 120 / 1
    Brute Shot x2 / 60 / 2
    Spartan Laser x1 / 180 / --
    Sniper Rifle x2 / 120 / 2
    Needler x2 / 90 / 2
    Bubble Shield x1 / 120/ --
    Power Drain x1 / 120 / --
    Regenerator x1 / 120 / --
    Active Camo x2 / 120 / --
    Brute Chopper x2 / 120 / --
    Mongoose x4 / 120 / --
    Transport Hornet x1 / 180 / --

    And finally the pictures:)

    Map from Assassin's Creed that I have based this map upon.

    Over View
    Red Base
    Blue Base
    Blue Camo Spawn
    Red Camo Spawn
    Side View
    Blue Chopper Street View
    Blue Mongoose / Transport Hornet Spawn
    Red Mongoose Spawn

    Thanks and I really appreciate the support V1 got.

    EDIT: to all of the claustrophobic people out there, this map is NOT as crowded as you might think it is.
    Here are some new shots from the sky bubble:
    the smallest opening on the map is 1.5 blocks across. The streets are 4 blocks across. Look at it in an actual game, not that crowded.

    #1 Esorath, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    Im not sure if youve considered or even done this but in sticking to the assassins creed theme i was thinking you could create a VIP assassins game variant to play with this map im not sure if you could actually do this (i havent tried fiddling with the vip variant much) but its definitely an idea worth pursueing in my oppinion.

    On to the map it loooks generally well forged...if a bit crowded (but im guessing this lends itself to the similarities to gameplay from assassins creed itself) although id probably reccomend getting rid of the vehicles...maybe keep a mongoose or two but beyond that id probably lose the vehicles.

    if nothing else this map has inspired me to try to create my own assassins creed themed map and gametype
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    The map looks pretty cool and the forging doesnt looks half bad. It looks like a pretty crammed up place and it looks like you used as much area as you could. I dont really see how the map looks like the layout of that Assassins Creed thing but the map still looks cool. All and all pretty good job on the map, looks fun for CTF.
  4. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    I don't play Assassin's Creed, but this looks like a fair asymmetrical map.
    Air vehicles? Balanced! Kudos to you, you have balanced air vehicles. A rare feat.
    Reminds me of some Halo 2 map for some reason.
    Overall, I'd say that this map would be pretty good for 16 player FFA.
    4.9/5, there's always something to improve.
  5. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    1/5? becuase you would get lost? wow, thanks for actually LOOKING at the map. stop boosting your post count - wait it's at 2...hmmm...

    As to White Rice: I have made an Assassin's creed Variant.
    It is a juggernaut variant of swords. The Juggernaut is white, everyone else is red. J. is faster and lighter but just as much shield as everyone else. I also debated giving him a slight camo, but you can if you want.
    Here is the link and you can customize as you want, but if you do so, plz give me some credit.
    Assassin's Creed
    Vehicles are there to balance anyone sniper camping in the dunes mostly. Also to replicate horses and such that might be running around the city.

    Silver Shadow- maybe the new pics will help the relevance to the AC map

    Thanks Cookieman for the air vehicle balance achievment :)
  6. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    This honestly looks like a very solid map. The layout seems organic to me (because I never played Assassins' Creed), and I really like the fact that your city streets and such aren't completely square. Diagonal streets/alleys do wonders for a map's replayability due to the different types of lines of sight that are opened up in addition to the more interesting angles of engagement.

    I'm pretty excited for getting some games in on this baby at the TCE gamenight this Saturday! After I've played it I'll get you some more detailed feedback. ;)
  7. Regal Flame

    Regal Flame Ancient
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    I don't post much, but when I see a map like this I know I absolutely HAVE to post.

    Wow, this looks amazing. I remember some of those building when playing Assassins Creed, not to long ago. This map looks VERY good for FFA, and the 'assassins creed' gametype might make it even better.

    I don't know about the chopper though. 4.7/5
  8. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    FFA Slayer would play very well, along with Team SWAT and Shotty Snipes.
    As, stated before the choppers and the mongeese are there to counteract dune hiding. The Assassin's Creed Gametype might need some tweaks to make it better. Such as adding poor camo to Altier and fixing the grenades.
    CTF though should be played here as well, the urban style should be lots of fun for CTF.
  9. xxINFERNOxx

    xxINFERNOxx Ancient
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    Yeah it seems like it would be a little too crowded for a chopper. But anyways, nice map, i LOVE the layout, very Assassin's Creed like. Maybe you could try to convert it to work for a Left 4 Dead gametype? 4/5
  10. jcflanagan

    jcflanagan Ancient
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    I could not get your link to work. Can you please recheck it so I can download this map. thanks
  11. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I remember you saying you were going to release a new version ages ago, I never played or even saw the original so I'm definately going to give this a DL eso. Purely from the pictures, it looks intertesting and different from the norm which has intrigued me as to how it plays. I'll edit after I get some games and a forge through.

    After I've finished my current map (which will take a while) I'd like to take you up on the co-forge offer you made a while back. I've not done a collab as of yet and I know we get on well and have slightly different forging styles which will hopefully blend well. I have a mic now so it'll be a lot easier than previously.
    #11 oh knarly, Oct 24, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  12. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really do love both the name, and the layout. I can see supurb FFA, and CTF played here, as well as some awesome splatters with the chopper.

    After downloading, I see 2 points that I like, and 2 points that could make the map better.

    1. I really like the uniques structures and lines of sight.
    2. The chopper plays amazingly on here. It can control the ground, but people can still escape through some of the smaller corners.

    1. I see little to no merging here. There are small places where merging could improve the flow of the game. They are not necessary, but they would be helpful.
    2. The brute shot allows you to access the colorful towers at each side. (I mean the towers in pictures 2 and 4) They are effective camping spots, sometimes too effective. I don't know how you would improve that, maybe closing off the entrances to the inside of the towers by merging blocks in and placing the lights on top of the towers instead.

    Great job overall, 4.8/5
  13. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    this looks like it would be a ton of fun for any gametype.

    i can see the similarities to the assassins creed map in the red mongooses spawn pic. i need to dl to comment any further, and the link isn't working. please fix.

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