I made a new version of this map with weapons new game types and other new features the post goes by the name of UNSC Bullet Tag V2 Here are some pics
Dude your pics arn't working and read the posting guide it will really help sell your map. Click the link below. *Guide to post by* Are you using the form from the guide. this is a topic for posting pictures. make sure that your tags are correct and that the url is complete. What hosting site are you using?
You need to imbed your pics from a photo-sharing site such as Photobucket.com or Imageshack.com. You cannot imbed directly from Bungie.net. **thumbs up!** OK.. Here is a step by step guide to posting pics. 1. Take some pics. 2. Download them from the Hi-res. Screenshots tab in your Bungie.net profile to your PC. 3. Create an account at a photo sharing site such as Photobucket.com or Imageshack.com and upload them to the site. 4. Use the 'Direct Link' from that site and put it into this code here on your thread. Code: [img]'Direct Link'[/img] 5. Breathe easy.. you have just embedded pics.
I did everything you said and they still wont work the direct link is what is the Web adress at the top of the screen right?
Please don't double post, You could have easily edited your previous comment. It can be.. If you click on the photo and it takes you to a page that just shows your picture it is. Usually tho, If you are looking through your album, each picture has a tab of sorts with the Direct Link listed in it. Not sure where it is on Imageshack, but on Photobucket it is underneath each picture in your album. **thumbs up!**
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! _________________________________________________ Edit: Nevermind
No problem.. and welcome to Forgehub Your map looks just a bit messy IMO. I think it would make for a cool 'paintball' gametype arena. It could definately use a aesthetic once-over if you know what I mean. Perhaps you would be interested in checking out FORGING 101. It contains many helpful tips and tricks of forge. Also I think your thread would benefit from more of a description. I personally would wanna know what specs your created gametype actually entails. **thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
I am going to go and redo and tidy up this map thanks for the feed back. Next time i can get the post right so there's not a bunch of replies helping me out. I'll have my new altered map done by sunday, hopefully. Also ill take more time to subtitle the pics and explain the map and its purpose in detail.
I would really like to see pics at least 50% larger, then I can get a btter idea of what your map is about. I like your creative and interesting map name as well.
This map looks really well made for SWAT. You did say you were gonna add weapons for other gametypes right? And which gametypes would you be adding?
My version with weapons, and 3 new playable game types is done. I added weapons for all slayer types. I also added One flag and One bomb. I added some other object related things and cleaned it up so it looks less messy. I will have the new post up with more and bigger pictures, a detailed description, and a list of all the weapons and equipment. I am going to test One flag and One bomb to make sure they are working properly. I plan to have the new post done later tonight Sorry i havent got my post up yet, but One flag and bomb are working, and i have 14 screenshots ready to be linked to my post. I have my list of all the weapons and equiment on the map done. I will definetly get my new post up tomarow