Ok i have two ideas for gametypes which ill have two forge two custom maps for them. 1) Lazertag game I thinking a game with 200pts for headshots and 100pts for body shots. No shields, instant kill. Most points win, 5 minutes, everyone gets magnums, let the games begin. Im thinking a maze type map with a second level If u have any ideas for the map type or the game let me know. 2)Paintball game I went paintballing recently and there was this game where if you got shot you'd go to the other team, thus would continue to go on until one team had everybody, but i dont quite know how to accomplish this becuase you cant get a zombie back on your team. Im thinking an open ended arena type map with some obstacles, ammo would be limited for that real life quality, once your out of ammo you wait. im thinking about wait for the legendary map pack to accomplish this with ghost town for the woodsy feel to the map. if you have any ideas let me know thanks
I built a paint ball map on Foundry, since we actually play in an old warehouse around here. It's on my fileshare.
Lasertag sounds cool, but is it possible for the headshot/bodyshot thing? I also like the sound of paitball, but that could use some testing for the team thing. Good ideas!
i have already seen these done, but they were quite simple versions you could improve upon them and make more personalized maps
Why not use a Sentinal Beam for the Lazertag? And all I can say for the paintball game is "Honor Rules".
You can only have a max of 10 points for a "special" kill. Look it up in the slayer gametype, and you will see what I mean. This doesn't mean you can't do your lazer tag, it just means you have to come up with another scoring scheme. --dc