I just was looking at Freds Twitter and I was looking for mor people to follow and I just found the support teams twitter. I guess they just made it because theres like 3 posts. They said that they will give us update of project natal and some other stuff like Halo 3 Odst. To go to their Twitter, Click Here
So? I am really sick of this twitter ****. Between the news whoring the hell out of it ("Tony Hawk also has a twitter!" *insert image of his twitter*), and celebrities saying they are now tech savvy, I really don't give a **** who has a twitter.
Its like the facebook status updates without the facebook. AWESOME! I need to get me one of these so called twitters. Then I can tweet what I am eating for breakfast every day. I will be so cool.
Same, I've never seen the point of Twitter. I signed up, tried using it for about 10-15 minutes, and realized it's basically a dumbed down form of Facebook/Myspace. I guess if you're stalking a celebrity it might be useful, but other than that I just don't see any point to it.
My friend uses it as a "pacer" so to speak. To publish 1 joke a day, and due to its limited character amount, it has to be short but sweet; an idea he got from comedian Micheal Ian Black. That, I am fine with. But this "I'm eating breakfast, call me niggas" is **** I can't stand.
The only thing I use Twitter for is to stalk Insane. I mean uh... know when he's playing Halo! That's right! Halo! OT: I doubt that's the official Xbox Support Team Twitter page and I'm sure there would be some major announcement or something to show off all the new updates. If there is an update on this page, mind letting me know? I just don't want to waste my time with some fake Updates page.
Well G4 and Fred follow it. I have no idea if it is official. If it is, it's cool because it'll give us updates on the happenings.
Oh ok. Lol, I'm a twitter nub, because I don't use it. Disregard my last comment. I seriously doubt it's legit.