Foundry Ultra Bawl

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Minikloon, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
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    Ultra Bawl
    Created by Minikloon, Mistro Joker

    Sports on Halo!
    Base: Foundry

    Supported Gametype:

    • Custom Gametype ONLY

    After Griffball, let's start another kick-ass sport: Ultra Bawl! This game is a 3v3 only sport demanding control, agility, cooperation and... erm... nothing else!


    The rules are simple: you need to score!

    There are two teams of 3 players each (no more, no less) with different objective. Two players of the defensive team are shooting rockets to the attacking team. If they kill on of those, they score a point. The other player is prisoned in a cell, and watch the game for the round.

    The other team have all their players on the ground. They have hammer, 500% damage resistance and X4 shield. When they receive shot, they must hit the missile to deviate it on the scoring zone (the ceiling). If they do so, they will score a point. If they don't get it, they loose life and they could possibly die.

    I probably forgot something, so if you have any question: ask here! It took me like 3-4 hours for thinking the gameplay, 7-8 for creating the map, and 2 for testing.

    Deviating a rocket is largely possible!

    If you liked this map, and you like infection map, check out THIS map:

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ YES ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Overview of the map #1

    Overview of the map #2

    The top of the scoring zone

    The zone of playing

    The attacker spot to shoot with a teleporter to the second spot

    Me in the cell of the scoring zone


    Download the map!
    Download the gametype!
    #1 Minikloon, Jun 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  2. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    not sure how this works could you post some action shots? that would be grate.
  3. xpk3

    xpk3 Ancient
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    im not a big fan of mini games but it look like is has potential, i like rockets and i like grav hammers, i dont like the idea of having 1 person imprisoned but it probably serves the gameplay well. the aesthetics are ok but it could be neatened up a little. we'll have to wait and see if it takes off like grifball did
  4. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
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    Thanks for comments guys. First I couldn't get action shot because I tested the map only with me, Mistro Joker, another guy and 3 connected controllers. Don't worry, the map is balanced, testing is OK.

    Without the guy in the cell, I could have the gametype. I thought of a way for him to play by shooting with a sniper, but it was to much unbalanced.

    Yeah I know I had an horrible time interlocking the map. And I didn't got enough patience to restart a third time.

    If you find anyway of improving the gameplay. You can get me in your friend list :Gamertag Minikloon. (I don't speak english well...)
  5. FuriousFilly720

    FuriousFilly720 Ancient
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    So kills are points?

    So if they deflect the rocket into the scoring zone it will kill the imposoned person causing the other team to score and when the rockets kill a gravity hammer people they score a point.

    This is what Chuck Norris would play if he played Halo.
  6. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
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    You understood the rules! There are four rounds of 1 minute each, so everybody can play all the roles.

    So, you can specialize yourself for shooting rockets the good way to easily kill the hammer's guys. Or you can train your hammer skill and do incredible shots.

    But common, test the map before posting... I got only 1 download, and it's my friend who downloaded it.
  7. Num1Midget

    Num1Midget Ancient
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    Maybe if you could explain the rules a bit more. Don't really understand what the objective is and how to actually go about doing the objective.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    The people behind the bridges are equipped with rocket launchers, and their objective is to shoot and kill the other team which spawns in the inside square. But, this second team is equipped with hammers and can deflect the incoming rockets if they are smart, their goal is to deflect a rocket into the top area. The rocket will then explode and cause the explosives to go off also. This will then kill the player trapped in the box and allow the team with hammers to score a point. If the team with rockets are smart, they can effectively take out the Hammer team and gain points. This goes on for 4 one minute rounds and the team with the most points in the end is the winning team.

    Thats the description i got from reading your post, feel free to add it to the OP for extra help.
    I like the map but there could be more too it, i would also suggest making it on sandbox down in the crypt where you are able to use more money and extra items.
  9. Minikloon

    Minikloon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey! Thank you for resuming the rules. I'm not very good in English, so it may be hard to understand. Anyway, I'll put your description in the post. I don't know if I'll do it in Sandbox. Because first I would like to find a way of scoring without having someone in the cell. Then I should post in forum.

    But before I need people to test the game in give the appreciation...

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