TELEKINESIS PsyFlag-Custom CTF Gametype made exclusivly for Telekinesis Telekinesis-the ability to move or deform inanimate objects through mental processes. Hello, Forgehub! I'm back with my fifth map, the long-awaited and anticipated... Telekinesis! This map is one of my best maps, and loads of layout, weapon, and spawn planning have gone into this. As always, comment, criticize, and rate, and tell me what to fix and improve. Thank you. DESCRIPTION Telekinesis is a team-based or FFA based map built in the sky-bubble. It is symmetrical but oblique. What that means is that it based on symmetrical layout, and it looks and feels the same on both sides of the map, but there is no straight line of symmetry on it. It can play everything but Juggernaut, VIP, and Infection, but is best suited for Team Slayer, FFA, Team or FFA KOTH, and its custom CTF gametype, PsyFlag. This map is the first official map of the Phylum Map Pack, which contains Telekinesis, obviously, Forerunner V2, Oubliette V2, and Hiatus. (Only Telekinesis has been released.) I like to start off strong with a map like this. More on the Phylum Map Pack will be released later. For this map, I had covenant architecture in mind. This map had HEAVY inspiration from a structure featured on the level "The Arbiter" in Halo 2, the Threshold Gas Mine. With its intricate structure, it gives a mystic and mythic feel to the map, as you can see from the doors to the center structure, as well as the bases. In asthetics, I think I succeded. The center spins, the plasma leaks everywhere, the rust on the backs and tops of teh base pillars, all really give a feel for a abandoned gas mine. MY inspiration fot he map came from a touch of guardian, a covenant twist on warlock, Assembly's centerpiece, and obviously the Threshold Gas Mine. This map doesn't feature a wide array of different elevations, just the top and bottom floor areas, but these simplify the complexity some maps hold. Gameplay elements aren't affected, it's still awesome and fun, but you do still gain a hight advantage with this. This is probably the first layout I've actually spent a major amount of time planning out. (Yes, all of my other maps were really just having an idea and building from there). Are you a CTF junkie like Penguin Asassin? If you are, then too bad so sad; this map doesn't play CTF. You'll need the Custom CTF, PsyFlag, to have CTF fun here! (Download links are at top and bottom of post.) This map took about maybe a week and a half to make, just testing and editing and slacking has increased the time consumed by it to make it. I took your advice and my time and accounted it into everything. Story Time! STORYLINE To make an empire, a civilization must have a source of energy. Not just light energy, but power energy to fuel the machines of everyday life. We chose coal and gasoline as our main power sources, and we're on the way to changing it again. For the Covenant, having control of a very large portion of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, had some advantageous materials and fuels at their disposal. They chose plasma, a partially ionized gas, in which a certain amount of electrons are free rather than being bound to an atom or molecule. Plasma is not like solids, liquids, or gases, but a distinct state of matter. Plasma typically takes the form of neutral gas-like clouds, as seen, for example, in the case of stars, or in gaseous streams. They mined this just as we do with oil rigs. The San 'Shyuum, also known as Prophets, had religious powers brought upon them by innovations and inventions of the Forerunners. One was a device as well as a pill-like tool called Kinetica which allowed the Prophets to exhibit powers of telekinesis. This is what has built, operated, and floated many structures they created. This power was very religious in terms of god-like powers given to them for their status in society. Telekinesis is what has been holding this Plasma rig up for millennia, but it will bring the downfall of your life... WARNING: Don't shoot the invisible Prophet at the bottom, or the structure will fall.* WEAPON LIST -Weapons- - 4 BR's - 2 carbines - 2 spikers - 2 maulers - 2 needlers - 1 energy sword -Equipment- - 4 plasma grenades Forging 101 Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES] __Unlimited Budget Glitch *It won't fall, but use your imagination. To the Pictures! (Action Shots not posted. Yet.) Overview. Notice the "plasma leak" aesthetics on top. Overview without roof (2nd Floor only) Overview (1st Floor only) Layout/Underview Comparison between Telekinesis and the Threshold Gas Mine Red Base Blue Base Red Elbow Blue Elbow Center Center (1st Floor) Center (2nd Floor) Center Ceiling The Pit/Bottom Center (Player View). Notice the "plasma leak" aesthetics in the middle pillar. The Temple/Top Center (Player View) The Centerpeice still spins! Red Team assaulting Blue Team's Hill on the Blue Elbow Blue Team taking control of Red Base 3 against 1 doesn't end well... Id like to thank all my testers and the following individuals: -Meltyourtv and Snipe Out- You both are mentioned first because you both have helped test this regardless of time and date, and have said your honest and great opinions of this. -ll KRINGE ll- A lesser-known member, but equally helpful. His ideas on additions to escapability and the addition of shield doors helped the gameplay of the map, and I thank him for it. -RoflNinja- You had some pretty good advice on the map. You also encouraged and suggested on spawn placement, and for that I thank you. All others who helped, you know who you are. I hope you like Telekinesis, I've spent lots of time to present this to you. DOWNLOAD TELEKINESIS and Psyflag -Dylan
the center ceiling is definitely what sets this map apart, while the game play looks solid the ascetics are just spectacular... All in all the overall effort i would give a 4.5/5 (seeing is there is no such thing as perfect) =) PS: nice thing you did for the layout, it really is great to see that someone just dose not put random picks in, and leaves layout plan abandon for the person to figure out.
Great looking map, the leveling alone shows that this map was well thought out. Is there a way to reach the roof? Definite download. I will play then post some feedback.
Thanks to you both. To deadlyshotz247-No, the roof is inaccesible. No type of grenade jump or anything will get you up there. Don't try it, you'll die. Trust me.
Great job on the map dude. The walkways and railing along with it look great and i think the center really makes this map special. The first screenshot and overview looks really great and i think that your use of man cannons is the best i have seen.
Holy. Crap. This is epic. The map's layout is pretty well prefect for long BR battles, and well suited for CTF. I have been a large fan of your maps, and this one does not disappoint. The aesthetics are amazing, as well. The whole map has been executed extremely well. 8/10.
Much thanks to SilverShadow and mastersync23. Thanks for the comments and thanks for being a fan mastersync. And stocker2000, don't spam. omgbettadlholylawd doesn't help me with the map or comment on it in any way.
Great map man.I love when we played on this but how exactly does phsyflag work?I love FFA on this map and the center structure is beautiful and the rest is also great with combining estonishing gameplay in the map this map makes a really sweet hit.One quick suggestion is a couple of tweaks to the weapon list and then I will be truely amazed at your little creation =3
Hey this map is amazing, I love the way the sword spawn center peice looks (holy **** it does spin 0_0). I would've put more guard rails up personally, but it looks fine as is and I don't think it will affect gameplay too much. 4.7/5
the aesthetics looks like some of the best ive seen in competitive maps in my opinion. The way the levels are layed out looks like there are lots of strategic jumps also. I actually thought of sanctuary when i saw this map. The layout of the ramps just had a sanctuary-ish look to it. Id give this map a 5/5. I would play on it if i didnt have the stupid RROD, and my xbox is out of warrantee
Wow. This map is the greatest example of aesthetics and gameplay. I'm downloading right now. I like the idea that you had of deleting the floors to show us the layout of the map. And does the sword really spin? If so, thats all the more reason to download! 10/10
Thanks everyone, I'm gald you really like it. Snipe Out - Since the map is a little on the smaller side, regular CTF is discouraged. PsyFlag increased the strategy of protecting your flag carrier. IT's 5 catures to win, shorter return, away and respawn times, and it fits more with the map's layout and spawning. Also, what would you like to see on the weapons list? Your ideas might just make the cut... X2SheaX - I have reached the OLN. Since you've seen that the center spins, i you want to, tell me what to delete in your opinion to add more rails. I think I put enough to add rails but add a danger factor into it, but not over do it. Fouso - Yes, the center spins (The green thing on the bottom, not the sword itself.) Keep the comments coming everyone!
Just looking at this map makes me believe I can move objects with my thoughts. Haha. This is one of the greatest looking maps I have ever seen on this website. You hear it here first. This is getting featured at some point. Its absolutely phenomenal. The aesthetics are polished to a mirror shine, the gameplay looks to be some of the most fun I'll ever have playing this game, and it's a completely new and original idea. On a scale of one to ten, I'd say roughly five hundred million, but I'm sure that's an understatement. Definite DL from me, and for the sake of all of us, keep the maps like this coming.
Thank you AgileDan92. You really like the map. I can see it in your post. Action Pics are now up. Take a look at that epic action.
As I was reading and looking at the pictures, all i could keep saying was Aesthetically this map out does almost any other competitive map I've seen. Gameplay looks very solid. Battles in the center structure look fun. For some reason, Guardian came to mind as I scrolled through the pictures, as that is a great compliment IMO. Def Dl for me and really keep up the awesome work.
I remember seeing the Telekinesis thread in the testers guild and I was really impressed by what I saw (from those few pictures). I had been looking through the threads to see if it was released yet, and its good to see that you are finished. I really like the whole story and theme for this map, this actually does seem like a Covenant plasma rig rather than "just another map". The aesthetics are perfect, parts of the map could almost be placed in the aesthetic section. The layout looks great also, and I like the fact that you added some more railings to this one. I am definitely going to download this one and return with more feedback. I'm sure my friends and I will be playing some customs on this for a while.
If the other maps in the Map Pack are half as sexy as this beast I'll be downloading them all. Excellent work.
the aesthetics are very nice....most competitive maps dont realy have aesthetics, but u did this well, it kind of remindeds me of lockout/blackout, with all the overlaping walkways and such 5/5
This will get a d/l from me. I don't usually like the symmetrical maps, but the way the walkways overlap and the strategic jumps that would be possible make this look like an excellent addition to my HD Well done.
Wow, not one bad thing anybody has said. Happy Faic =). Thanks for all the positive comments evryone I really do appreciate them. And yes, Esorath, as it says in the description, Guardian was a major influence, as well as a couple other maps and halo-universe things.