MOSH PIT "The pit of endless fun. 4-6 players for best results" Created by: I3east F0rger, Rufanator, KillbotA61 Gametypes: Mosh BRs, Mosh Snipes, Mosh Fiesta DESCRIPTION: Mosh Pit is an enclosed arena for open and exposed gameplay. With this type of play, it is faster and more accurate that beats all. There is a custom powerup in the middle that charges the user to a full 4x overshields. This gametype is all about insane multikills, sprees, snipes, and plays. WEAPONS: On the map: Bubble Shield- 90- x2 Custom Powerup- 180- x1 Gametypes: Mosh BR's- BR - None Mosh Snipes- Sniper Rifle - None Mosh Fiesta- Random - Random PICTURES: Bubble Shield Alcove 4x Oversheilds Action Shots: DOWNLOAD: Mosh Pit Mosh BRs Mosh Snipes Mosh Fiesta CREDITS: Map: I3east F0rger Spawns: KillbotA61, Rufanator Ideas: Rufanator __-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__ Thank you for viewing my map post. DL, comment and rate.
nice! this looks like a really fun map. i like the structure of the map and it looks like it will have good gamplay too.
this seems pretty similar to "Octagon" The arena looks pretty cool, but I would take out the shields and powerup, that seems pretty cheap for dueling with snipers and BRs. Just add a pillar in the middle or something for cover, but the shields look kinda messy and make gameplay cheap.
After looking at it, the shields do look messy, but in game, they look totally badass. If you look at the second action shot, that proves that the shields are way too easy to counter with melees.