The only thing I think is mandatory is for GT's to carry over and to keep achievements. Also make all 360 games carry over. It was a bummer when a bunch of the good xbox games didn't carry over to 360. I think with the 360 microsoft worked out just about all of the user errors and made the perfect gaming experience. The only improvements needed is for them not to halfass it and make sure they have a falcon chip type thing in all of the new xbox's instead of releasing too soon and screwing over millions.
i think they need to attach a laser that shoots u if u die in COD so ppl take the game more seriosly realistically and not just run straight through spray and pray... cause that neve happens in real life
All games being downloadable and a big enough hard drive to actually be able to put all the games on it without having to pay for more space.
The next xbox will be a bigass box. As big as a refrigerator. You will climb inside, and it will then interface with your central nervous system, providing 100% interface with the game. Down to manipulation of objects with individual fingers. Force feedback too. lol.
Guys what your basicly asking for is a gaming pc as u pointed out and have u seen their price tags? Look pimped. Open source. (devs choose what hardware is aloud for use etc) More say in what game features we want. Mm game fps, insane **** lol.
Because it makes for better games. We already have Marketplace, why not go a little further to browser?
Xbox already stated that they would not be going with blu-ray, but thats what I want. The disc changer would be pretty epic also. And a bigger HD. 120GB is fine but in this situation, bigger is better. A better built in AC would help overheating also.
- Tip Problem (If the 360 tips over while on, It severely scratches the disk beyond repair :cry - RRoD (You do not know how many times i've had to have my 360 fixed due to RRoD-Related Issues :cry - Overheat (I've gotten very frustrated with the Overheat.)
Why would they make a new console, when their current one is still a piece of ****. Yeah, it has amazing online capabilities, and a superb lineup of games, but look at the Ring of Death. Something like 50-70 (don't quote me on that) percent of Xboxs' end up getting the those horrid red lights. Thats just pathetic. Instead of making a new console, they should just improve on the current, and work on making in cheaper, and more affordable for everyone. They already have a good price, now just find a way to make them last longer than a year. But, since i should at least stay on topic, i would like to see a built in Project Natal camera, much larger Hard Drive, smaller design, and maybe a power cord that doesn't have a ****ing small car attached to it.
Why wouldn't you want a new console? I understand from a money point of view, but if the 360 hadn't came out, we'd still be using original x-box's (which, despite their coolness, suck compared to the x-box 360). The SNES worked "perfectly fine", but if Nintendo hadn't decided to embrace the updated technology of the era there would be no N64. So what do I want in the next X-box? How about: -All marketplace content for all regions on x-box Live (including Australia) -More strenuous stress testing (No "next x-box" equivalent of the RROD) -A casing designed either just for horizontally placement, or make it safer vertically (a cube would be a great shape). -Get rid of line on controller where the two shell pieces come together (it's annoying) -Built in video capturing that saves video's to hard drive -Tabs for friends list (customisable tabs, so you can see your friends for specific games, or people you know in real life tab) -Increase past 100 friends -Clan/guild/team/group support (Not as in-game, built into dashboard like friends)
I heard somewhere that the xbox 720 is going to be spherical, can anybody confirm this? Would be strange if the xbox was no longer a box 0.o