This is the first race map ive made but i think its really good for my first race map.... Gametype you need 50 points to win u get 5 points for each lap and 2 points for each kill everyone is invulnerable so raming off the map is the best way to get kills.... people have 50% speed and 200% gravity and thats mainly all you need to no. pics + info Start this is the start of the map, you start with only mongooses First jump this is the first jump in the map its right after the start Part 1 this is the next part of the map right after the first jump, you can see the first jump in this pic too Part 2 this is right after part 1 it leeds up to a big jump over kill balls Kill ball jump this is after part 2 where u must jump over kill balls Lap done this is the end of the lap, it leeds back to the start of the map Walk of shame if u cheat at the end of a lap ( finish without a vehicle ) you must walk the walk of shame. it takes some time at 50% speed Over view this is a over view shot of the map Secrets the map has secret passages that that have shortcuts ghosts and 1 has a trip mine! Map: Gametype:
I love the "walk of Shame" idea, that'll stop cheaters lol. the track looks really smooth, especially the first banked corner right at the start. very good =) Edit: F-I-R-S-T!!!1!
pretty cool track, lots of steep angles to turn around. and the walk of shame, love that. looks like a difficult to easily complete.
haha i love the walk of shame thats a really good idea that map looks hard but completeable nice work hey can u redo your link i cant open it
the trip mine add's a mario kart esque twist and looks likes hella fun to use. i personnally know where id put it. looks really good for a first track, and i hope you do many more.
a very noob racing track with simple forging. There is no real parts that exercise great banked turns and such that has become a standard for racing maps now. There is also no 'wow factor' that separates your map from the crowd. In my eyes this is a lackadaisical effort by someone to try and make a racing map. edit: after looking through your previous maps, I can tell you tried your best and I'm sorry if you take this the wrong way. Just actually giving you my real opinions and not holding back like the rest of these pussies who are trying to be nice and not hurt feelings.
sorry... my pc was laging real bad when i was posting this and it took like 45 mins to load things so it may have something to do with that... is the link still not working? yea the trip mines fun but its hidden in a door passage thing near the end of the lap and you need a key to open the door and thats hidden near the start of the map and takes a little time to get so if you dont have the key you cant just use the passage when you get to it yea i have alot to do so i dont have the time to make a really good map and this was my first race map so i was kind of learning techniques for race maps lol