Are you saying you didn't enjoy Cynosure??? As for the map, it looks great and original. It's wayy late but ill try to get some games on it later. I'm pretty anxious from what I've read and I really hope you guys (Hector and Goatnuts) have posted this on MLGpro, one of the reasons being with 3 months til dallas, MLG may be looking to release a new set of map's/gametypes
After playing some GB matches, I got a scrim going and played on this 4v4 Ball. Everyone loved it. The greatest thing would be if MLG took it and replaced guardian ball in v7 or v8 ;]
From what I can see (In the three pictures), this looks like an AMAZING map. Congrats, Hector and Goatnuts for the feature.
Well this is gay why did forgehub put up blockout as a feature 3 days after this map was featured. this map is so much better than that map. I have seen v2 changes and they are awsome
Wow this is definitely one of the best MLG maps on sandbox, and I love MLG. This is a really unique layout.
this map reminded me a lot of construct for some reason... the changing platform elevations the high level outside... All around great map though.
Congratz you deserve it both the feature and the Premium! This map has absolutely no flaws and a very original layout with perfect merging excellent job.
good job on the feautured map, i love the smoothness which most maps do not have. the interlocking must have taken much time, great map 5/5
Really cool map, best in a while. Love how the sunset peeks in the background. Also, very original layout. I love it, 5/5.